You guys missed the exciting times!
here's an excerpt from this weeks watchtower study in 1950: .
*** w50 6/15 p. 180 a victory dedicated to jehovahs honor ***.
the strategy, and the attack.
You guys missed the exciting times!
there was a recent thread here which covered the subject of the gb claiming to be spirit directed (and not actually inspired by the holy spirit).
by now, most of us are quite aware that this is just a play with words to excuse themselves whenever one of their false doctrines is debunked (by someone using the bible or their own publications).
but when you think of it, spirit-directed is actually more presumptuous than spirit-inspired.. that being said, id really like to draw attention to the fact that the wt continuously claims that the governing body of jehovahs witnesses has never claimed to be inspired by god (through his holy spirit).
Alfred, how about being under the "influence of the Holy Spirit" like one who is under the influence of alcohol? I've always remembered this organzation as God's channel of communication.
if you are afraid to join the forum and enter discussions, believe me -- we understand.. if you're feeling all alone, this message is especially for you.. sometimes people refrain from joining and posting because certain posts or threads really upset or offend them.
or maybe you're reluctant to jump in because you see interesting threads get hijacked or go off in all sorts of confusing directions and you don't want that to happen to you.. if that's you, i suggest you join and start with private messages (pms) instead.
doing it that way, you can correspond one-on-one with posters you feel most comfortable with.. how do you choose who to pm?
Two thumbs up for your suggestion.
when i come to this forum and read the topics of the day, it disturbs me that some always have objections and comments that are negative.
what source of encouragement is there when one breaks down the story of others?
what's your personal gain, what's the satisfaction?
Good nite folks, enjoy your time and pleasure.
when i come to this forum and read the topics of the day, it disturbs me that some always have objections and comments that are negative.
what source of encouragement is there when one breaks down the story of others?
what's your personal gain, what's the satisfaction?
sooner7nc, contact me personally. Let's meet, forget about this crap on the forum, lets meet.
when i come to this forum and read the topics of the day, it disturbs me that some always have objections and comments that are negative.
what source of encouragement is there when one breaks down the story of others?
what's your personal gain, what's the satisfaction?
sooner, your NOT my friend. As to golf, NO PROBLEM! I use Walter Hagens ( 1958) irons which I've have and used since 1960, and still use them! Golf has been a religion to me. Now your talking my talk. Do you want me to tell you where I have tried to quailfy in the USA& Canadian golf tournaments? Did you ever reach that level?
when i come to this forum and read the topics of the day, it disturbs me that some always have objections and comments that are negative.
what source of encouragement is there when one breaks down the story of others?
what's your personal gain, what's the satisfaction?
sooner7nc, is that the best you can offer, a comment I made to bohm, cream puff? Shame on you, challenge me to a game of golf. Be yourself and don't mimic others. Don't cheapen your character.
when i come to this forum and read the topics of the day, it disturbs me that some always have objections and comments that are negative.
what source of encouragement is there when one breaks down the story of others?
what's your personal gain, what's the satisfaction?
the trueone, believe want YOU want to believe and stick to it. Anytime you want to play golf, let me know.
when i come to this forum and read the topics of the day, it disturbs me that some always have objections and comments that are negative.
what source of encouragement is there when one breaks down the story of others?
what's your personal gain, what's the satisfaction?
the trueone, what a name, does it implie your the only trueone, or does implie a true love for yourself. Go back to the real world? Let me tell you something, contact me personally, I love it and we will set up a meeting. Fair enough?