Nice job I was enthralled thru the whole interview...
JoinedPosts by Lied2NoMore
Interview with "Journey to God's House" author Brock Talon on JWStruggle
by RayPublisher inmy interview with "journey to god's house" author brock talon is on my jwstruggle youtube channel.. brock talks about writing the book, his background as a former jw, and more..
Do You Think The Witnesses Actually Know What They Believe In?
by minimus ini think they know what they don't believe in, like no blood, no hellfire, no trinity....but they really couldn't explain what their beliefs are and why they believe as they do.
do you agree?
They don't have to....its all about regular meeting attendance...go in service as much as you can....give money to worldwide work....doctrines and teachings are too much to think about...
Let's lampoon the buzzwords!!
by ILoveTTATT ini am keeping this short because i have little time but... here are my favorite lampoons of the buzzwords:.
watchtower - washtowel.
conventions - con-ventions... i would invent con-men-showns.
I now call them Governing Buffoons...even to jdub loyalists. ..get good alarmed stares
Head Gasket Sorted - with pics
by cofty inok if you clicked on this you might be a mechanical geek like me.
some people love buying shoes or handbags for me is shiny new tools.. for the last few weeks the head gasket has been blowing on my rover 214. fortunately the oil and water hasn't been mixing so no harm done.
the combustion gases have been blowing through the water jacket which made it sounded like a witches cauldron.
Jehovahs mighty hand and his holy spirit surely helped you complete these needed doubt Satan and his demon hordes caused the failure and contributed to the design flaw so you would be tested......... Hahahahaha
4 sincere questions for those that believe there is a God
by S EIGHT ingreetings.. allow me to set the questions up.. after 30 years in the truth (i'm now late 40's) and having established the truth about the truth i consider myself agnostic going on atheist.. i struggle to believe there is a god when i observe life yet i try to convince myself there must be something out there.. here's the basis of my question: .
in summary, 2 young boys have been killed by a snake that escaped from a pet store in canada.
it made it's way up through the ventilation into the apartment they were staying in.
I'm starting to makes sense god won't intervene or display himself or appoint someone to speak for him..after all...look at all the harm that has been done and the arrogance displayed by those who claim to represent god. (Think GB)
I believe there IS something in store for all of us but it will be manifested in his way not man's. None of us had control over our coming into existence. is a free gift just like what is to thing we know for sure is that the human body don't travel thru space well so if we have a destiny beyond this earth he will have to move us out of here some other way other than our present packaging.
Just my opinion..I won't DF anyone who disagrees or has other the GB wants for JW's who disagree
by grumblecakes inyup got a voice mail bright and early this morning "grumblecakes, we would like to schedule a shepherding call".. how do i get outta this?.
just say I will have to pass this time maybe next time around?
or say I'm doing really great right now no need for any more encouragement! But thanks!
Since leaving watchtower what has been your biggest act of rebellion?
by 3rdgen ini'm in a pissy mood and would love to hear your stories.
personally, i'm thinking of getting a tatoo on my rear end saying wbt$ kiss this!.
#1 tattoo on left shoulder that looks like my arm was torn off then poorly sewn back on. My next tattoo will be a WT logo with a red circle and a slash over it like a poison do not touch sort of thing.
#2 voted last pres election
#3 I watch every demonic movie I come across...harry potter, van helsing, the grudge, etc....etc...still haven't become possessed!
#4 smoke if I feel like it. Quit when I don't feel like it.
#5 drink to excess if I feel like it. Stay dry if I don't feel like it.
#6 look at gobs of porn sometimes. Quit if I feel its enough already.
Public Talk Downloads (Whopping great list of)
by outinthemeadows innathan barkera cleansed earth - will you live to see it?wilsona worldwide brotherhood saved from calamityoscar wallaceacquiring a heart of wisdomfrances eldridgeact wisely as the end draws nearmosieract wisely as the end draws neartimothy pappasact wisely as the end draws nearpullenact wisely as the end draws nearkevin smithact wisely as the end draws nearlanseacts of god - how do you view them?floyd kiteacts of god - how do you view them?tim zaleskyappreciating marvels of god's creationroger hollowayappreciating marvels of god's creationralph wallsare you content with jehovah's provisions?ralph wallsare you content with jehovah's provisions?ralph wallsare you content with jehovah's provisions?mozell mackare you doing what god requires of you?alex reinmuellerare you doing what god requires of you?robert mclellanare you "marked" for survivalrussel claxtonare you "marked" for survivaleddie jaramilloare you "marked" for survivalweldon howzeas christians, we care about other peoplepaul holmesbasis for confidence in the bible's divine authorshipjohn vincentbearing up under persecutiongosherbearing up under persecutioneric beveridgebearing up under persecutioncharles sinutkobearing up under persecutionron rawbearing up under persecutionpeter knowlesbearing up under persecutionrichard mannbearing up under persecutionmelvin frazierbe confident of divine victoryshelby wilsonbe confident of divine victorynathan kleinebe confident of divine victorydean newstrombe courageous, and trust in jehovahrichard carlsonbe courageous, and trust in jehovahhalienbuilding a happy familylinchbuild your faith in man's makerbuild your faith in man's makernelson critescan you live forever?
- will you?erik rissellcan you live forever?
- will you?russel claxtonchoose your associates wisely!troy rutherfordchristian separateness from the world - why beneficialbrian thompsoncome, you who thirst for the truth!lee waterscommunications - within the family and with godtimothy pappasconducting ourselves honestly at all timesharrisoncoping with life's anxietieshoward martinezcoping with life's anxietiesjohn milovichcoping with life's anxietieszankowskicoping with life's anxietiesaaron purviscoping with life's anxietieskeith linncoping with life's anxietieslauardcoping with life's anxietiestimothy pappasdecide now for divine rulershipjohn earpdecide now for divine rulershipjohn williamsdecisions you face - how will you make them?lee watersdecisions you face - how will you make them?rob raymerdecisions you face - how will you make them?walkerdecisions you face - how will you make them?paul holmesdid the miracles of the bible really happen?raymond waldrondoes god approve of the use of images in worship?aaron purvisdo not give up in doing what is finelanierdo you harbor resentment or do you forgive?jimie pentekdo you harbor resentment or do you forgive?timothy pappasdo you harbor resentment or do you forgive?mooredo you harbor resentment or do you forgive?tom kitashimado you harbor resentment or do you forgive?toby turcotdo you harbor resentment or do you forgive?scott schoffnerdo you have the evangelizing spirit?chris meloskido you have the evangelizing spirit?robertus berkersdo you recognize jehovah's sovereignty in your personal lifekingdo you recognize jehovah's sovereignty in your personal lifegalen brooksdoes god count you personally important?anthony woodsondoes god count you personally important?david sibreydoes your thinking agree with god's?shawn osbrinkdoes your thinking agree with god'sneil spiveyevidence of god in the world around usalan peckevidence of god in the world around usantony zenonosevidence of god in the world around usolorenshawbasis for confidence in the bible's divine authorshiprodney sphinksfacing the future with faith and courageted jaraczfalse religions end is nearray richardsonfamily life that warms the heartjon schillerfamily life that warms the heartelmer woodleyfear god and keep his commandments follow the way to lifetimothy pappasfollow the way to lifedavid crockettgaining comfort in all our tribulationsfloyd kitegaining comfort in all our tribulationsphil hayworthgaining comfort in all our tribulationsjoe shebettagaining comfort in all our tribulationsanthony slaughtergaining comfort in all our tribulationsjoe bellezzagaining comfort in all our tribulationsdavid iannelligaining comfort in all our tribulationsmark devlingaining comfort in all our tribulationswilfred crowleygetting marriage off to a good startjudah ben schroederglorifying god with all we havestanley yamashitaglorifying god with all we havetimothy pappasgod comes first in successful family lifejim kennedygod's purpose for man and earthfloyd kitehas babylon's judgment hour arrived?mike spargohas babylon's judgment hour arrived?james reedhas babylon's judgment hour arrived?have faith in the good newschester randolphhold a good conscience in a sinful worldcurtis lewishold a good conscience in a sinful worlddavid del grandehold a good conscience in a sinful worldunknownhow can youths cope with today's crisis?saphashow do you fit into the kingdom arrangement?clive martinhow do you fit into the kingdom arrangement?michael aronowitzhow to express love in a lawless worldwillard andersonhow purposeful is your life?ellwood johnsonhow real is god to you?hudshensonhow should you serve god?j.r.
See more than a handful of names from my area....where are these from?
HELP NEEDED for the book I'm writing!
by Terry ini'm about 90% finished on a book i started nine years ago.
it will deal with jehovah's witness policy on conscientious objectors during war time.
from the 1800's through the end of the draft in the early 1970's.. i am also giving a personal biographical account of my own introduction to the religion, process of assimilation and ministry experience.. additionally, i'm working in timelines connecting the 2nd adventist teachings with russell, rutherford and mainstream watchtower doctrines.. .
Ignore above..twitchy finger posting on smart phone.
I remember hearing a story about war prisoners being shown "fake" watchtowers to break their faith but they wouldn't look at them because they believed them to be fake. It would be interesting to find any who really found they were real and the information was non neutral and hypocritical and those showing them were attempting to awaken those prisoners to the fact they were in a cult and under mind control.
Also it would be good to note JW's don't take their firm stance due to personal conviction derived from personal investigating rather they are really forced to comply with all WT directives to avoid DFing and the subsequent shunning and loss of family.
HELP NEEDED for the book I'm writing!
by Terry ini'm about 90% finished on a book i started nine years ago.
it will deal with jehovah's witness policy on conscientious objectors during war time.
from the 1800's through the end of the draft in the early 1970's.. i am also giving a personal biographical account of my own introduction to the religion, process of assimilation and ministry experience.. additionally, i'm working in timelines connecting the 2nd adventist teachings with russell, rutherford and mainstream watchtower doctrines.. .