Happy New Year, Cofty and everyone!
JoinedPosts by Chariklo
Happy Hogmanay Everybody
by cofty inbest wishes for 2013. .
here is a scene from last year's hogmanay celebrations in edinburgh... .
How Does One Get The Study Articles For The Wt Study?
by moggy lover inthis might seem a silly question but i have not been to a watchtower study in 28 years so am unfamiliar with the latest set up.
the study watchtower magazines are not printed anymore as they are available only on the internet, as electronic editions.. ok. so how does one actually bring or get a printed copy for the study?
is one expected to print his/her own individusl copy, or are they available at the desk for those who can't print these?
For "study edition" read "cult indoctrination issue".
Watchtower"study" bears no relation whatsoever to real study.
Increasingly it seems to me important to stop accepting the cult misuse of words.
Do the elders have "clear direction" that it's ok to use an ipad at meetings?
by nochoice ini read this post more than a year ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/212313/1/watchtower-publications-for-ipad.
since i saw it, i've been waiting for the first brother or sister to show up at the hall with an ipad to see what happens.
a little here and there at the conventions and assemblies.
Hi Blondie, I was struck in what you wrote by that phrase "people were counselled for not looking up the scripture in the NWT themselves..."
Only in the Watchtower world is the word "counselled" used to mean the sort of advice that constitutes blam-casting, a reprimand. And then there's that awful term "adjust" as in "adjusting" someone's thinking, a term otherwise used in Stalinist Russia.
1984? Brave New World?
So hijackers!------Eat This!
by Atlantis in2012 ministry school review answer sheet for november 5, through december 31.http://www.sendspace.com/file/7z2r9b.6.
2012 ministry school review answer sheet for november 5, through december 31..http://www.fileswap.com/dl/flrjrxoic8/.6.
2012 ministry school review answer sheet for november 5, through december 31.http://www.fileflyer.com/view/nhj1gaa.6.
Thanks, Atlantis!
AUSTRALIA: Migration Scam Being Operated by Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
by jwleaks injw leaks has updated their "human rights" page with hundreds of pages of documents released, all relating to 19 separate court cases involving jehovah's witnesses conducted through the european court of human rights and also the australian refugee tribunal.. .
the 9 cases that were run through the australian refugee tribunal by the jehovah's witnesses all came from lebanon.. .
one former member of jehovah's witnesses, who advised on a number of refugee and migration cases for jehovah's witnesses and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia, and provided the documents and background information (yet to be published) to jw leaks, stated:.
Is there something going on to do with JW's and Australia?
Last year a multimillionaire JW family from my local congregation moved out to Australia.
The dignified thread of friendly political debate and banter about British politics
by cedars ininspired by minimus's latest thread about controversial topics, i thought it would be interesting if we brits could have a nice friendly non-confrontational conversation about politics without getting all hot under the collar, thus teaching our more boisterous american counterparts a lesson in how to be dignified in these matters!.
i'll start the ball rolling.... my political persuasions are not very well formed yet, since i'm still only fairly recent in exiting the witnesses and giving serious attention to these sorts of things.. i think if i had been involved as a voter in the last election i would have voted conservative, but i'm dreading the next election because i suspect my options may be more limited.. there are many things i like and admire about david cameron, but also things about him that irritate me.
i like the way he sticks to his guns and doesn't give in easily on issues he cares about, but this can also make him unresponsive to the national mood at times, making him appear somewhat out of touch with reality.
Cedars! You have destroyed an illusion I've had about you ever since I first saw your photo, cloth cap and all, clearly an honest working class man of the people!
Do You Take Flu Shots?
by minimus ini never have.
i seldom get the "flu" and if i do, it usually happens after everyone else has gotten it.. i know of many people who regularly get the flu shot and they seem to always still get sick..
I have it every year. I used not to, but a few years ago I was very ill, so now I do.
My oldest daughter got swine flu right at the beginning of that outbreak. She'd been on a train journey, and we reckoned she'd caught it like that. She was incredibly ill, nearly died, and that left me in no doubt.
Last year, I had no ill effects from the flu jab. This year, I got a bit poorly afterwards, and for about a week it was like a mild dose of flu. I'd rather have that than be really ill.
...and we're still here!!!
We've made it so far!
the mess in the west continued
by Hortensia inwell, 60 or 70-car crash last night near siskiyou summit, due to ice on the road.
there's a traffic cam right about there, near holbrook, looks pretty bad tonight too.. heavy snow tonight and tomorrow, should be fun.
down to 16 degrees f. last night, pretty cold for a southern california gal who lives in norcal now.. have to take a pair of pliers out with me tomorrow, i have to turn a doohicky on the front wheels so i can use my 4wd, old-fashioned but very reliable vehicle.
60-70-car crash?
How fast were they travelling?
Evidence of Supernatural Ability
by GromitSK ini would be interested to hear members' views on:.
a) what they would consider to be a supernatural ability and.
b) what they would consider sufficient evidence to convince them it was genuine.. (it's late here so if i don't participate for the next few hours don't think i cut and run :)).
Obviously though those born blind will have to take it on good trust.
Not really, a deaf person can get evidence sound exists. There are ways of telling these things....
No. Whereas deaf people do have ways of telling that there is sound and even different kinds of sound, blind people cannot tell colour.
Helen Keller is well known for having confirmed this. For instance, she was even able to enjoy concerts and recitals, especially organ recitals, because she could feel the vibrations different sounds made, and could also sense rhythm. She readily distinguished between high and low sounds, and could even tell which instrument was playing. But she could not tell colour.
All her life she wanted to be able to distinguish colour, and frequently tried different methods to see if she had any degree of different sensation for different colours. She laid her hands on them, felt them, held them to her face, all manner of different methods, but although it was something she very, very much wanted to do, yearned to do, to her lifelong regret she was unable to distinguish any colour at all.
Now, Helen Keller is possibly the best example we could have for this. Not only had she no sight or hearing at all, but she was highly intelligent and very motivated to do learn and stretch herself way beyond what most people would ever think possible. She greatly advanced the understanding of what the deaf-blind are capable of, learning Braille and then more languages than most sighted or hearing people could ever master.
But it was a sorrow to her that colour eluded her.