Yes, educatingMyself, don't let me put you off too readily.
I identified with you and kind of know how you feel. I never got to be baptised. I too have JW's whom I like, but realistically there is about zero chance of getting them to look at it again since although not exactly born in they have all been in since early childhood and are very, very committed, with children as missionaries etc.
No chance.
At times I feel vulnerable because they are indeed nice people with whom it's easy to relate, although there are also the other variety in the KH. Found Sheep, that's where I felt your comment could apply to me too, since I'm not baptised and am still in communiucation with them...because I find it hard to be rude to people who are otherwise the sort of people I get on with.
These people should be afraid to send their kids out banging on doors.
Black Sheep, I actually think using children, who can't possibly think freely for themselves, is really bad. Abuse, really.