It's been viewed 106 times at this present moment, sd-7. I think ypu'll find that all 106 are busy downloading it for themselves and reading it with dropping jaws hitting the floor, or else wiping tears of laughter as they course down the cheeks.
I'm throwing you gold, man!
You did indeed. Masterly!
Gems I've especially noticed, as I've read through, are the insistent inclusion of WT buzzwords into what belongs to pure scripture. Thus, p. 27, paragraph 11, "Moses and Korah stand in sharp contrast when it comes to respect for Jehovah's arrangement". P. 28, paragraph 13, "Jehovah, however, is a perfect overseer". (!) Such presumption!
Then, on p. 29, paragraph 16, "Waiting on Jehovah and following directions from those appointed to take the lead requires humility." That is a hair's breadth from putting "those appointed to take the lead" on a par with Jehovah.
The illustration on that page is captioned ""Are you known by Jehovah as one who humbly submits to direction?" How very different from the loving Father described by Jesus, the God without whose knowledge not even a sparrow falls to the ground, who counts the very hairs on our head, who loved us so much he gave his only Son to die for us!
See that paragraph 9 on p 27? That list showing "how unwise it would be to seek to fulfil these desires in a way contrary to godly wisdom" (the desires they've already described as natural.) Shock, horror, "forms of health care that conflict with Jehovah's counsel." How untruthful. Not Jehovah's counsel at all, but their perversion of the Bible. I won't list them all, but of course they include a romantic relationship with an unbeliever. I'm sure Jehovah can be made to say that too. By them.
They're desperate.
I am coming to the conclusion that the GB, faithful and discreet slave and the whole WT caboodle are becoming increasingly divorced from reality, becoming, collectively, stark staring bonkers, more bonkers than ever, and growing completely paranoid to boot. They are hung up on power. They're manic. And that's dangerous.