If there is a database at all....it is probably nothing than a box full of index cards in a locked safe. Kinda tough to hack into that
JoinedPosts by outsmartthesystem
How Do You Think The Watchtower IT Department Is Responding To The Anonymous Threat?
by DT inso anonymous has declared its intentions to utterly destroy the watchtower society.
this will likely include attacking the official websites and trying to obtain the database of 23,000+ pedophiles in the organization.. i have never served at bethel so i would appreciate the input of those who have.
do you think they are taking this threat seriously?.
Trying to talk to my mom - really discouraged, need help.
by rather be in hades inso, i'm new here and i've decided to finally tell my mom the truth about jws.. and sorry for the long post.
i'm at my wits end.. here's some background:.
i grew p in a congregation in california, i'm not a born in, though i was raised in it from 5 - about 20. arond 20 i pretty mch faded out, bt the emotional ups and downs were jst all too much.
Read Steven hassans books.
Discussing doctrine with someone that is not ready to leave the organization will only have a negative effect in the long run. You cannot in 1, 3, 5 or 20 discussions undo years upon years of cult indoctrination. Especially by heaping loads of contrary information on her.
Shunning is easy
by Paralipomenon inupon reflection over the past 5 years of being out, i've had a lot of time to consider my time as a witness as well as come to terms with my parents shunning us.. that was the biggest shock for me.
contrary to most experiences i've read, my childhood, while focused on witness matters was still pretty happy.
our family always seemed to fall on "family first, religion second".
I truly believe that the level of indoctrination of a person is what determines how easy it is for him to shun. Someone that has questions or a doubt or two but dares not investigate them (but rather just says to himself "Jehovah will fix it when he is ready) has already proven himself to be a little bit independent. This person....though captive by the organization possesses a brain and a heart. Shunning is out of the realm of normal for this person and it is very hard to do it.
Then you have the hard liners. The ones that say "If the society says the sky is red.....then the sky is red". These are the ones that worship the organization under the pretense that it is worship of God. Loyalty to the organization is the same as loyalty to God. It is easy for these ones to sever previous relationships because they view God as the murderous, hate filled diety that he is depicted as in the Hebrew scriptures. God is displeased with this disfellowshipped person.....therefore it is easy for them to have a corresponding hatred for that person.
This is easily seen with my FIL. This man is not evil.....and he does show compassion for other humans and animals. But when it comes to DFd people.....it is like he flips a switch. His own daughter is DFd (my wife's sister). You can hear and see the contempt and disgust when he mentions anything about her.
Dad says hes cutting lines of communication
by 2tone ini'm really pissed.
i havent attended the kingdom hall in several months.
my dad says hes going to stop talking to me.
I agree with Broken Promises. I know it hurts. Sometimes I feel such anger towards my own wife for doing her best to indoctrinate my kids.....but then I calm down and realize that she is a victim too. And so is your stepdad. They think they are doing what is best.
Will we ever see another Ray Franz?
by Emery inwill we ever see another governing body member leave the organization like ray franz did and speak out against them?.
one can only imagine the kind of dirt that's been concealed behind those gb sessions since the 1980's.. what are your thoughts?.
Not likely.....but certainly possible.
That would be AWESOME!
Now That You're Out Of "The Truth" What Do You Do With All The Extra Time?
by minimus inlife is so short and being a witness is such a waste of valuable time.. now, i do not feel rushed or compelled to be at a meeting or out in field service.
much less stress!.
I spend it here and doing other research on JW beliefs
Circuit Overseers Visit
by I quit! inmy wife is having her circuit overseer visit at her congregation tonight.
anyone know what they are talking about?
child molesters?
"I'd bet less than 1% [Edited to add: "of true JDubs"] are aware of the Conti abuse judgement and most of those will consider it unjust persecution against God's Organization. "
Exactly. There is no damage control because the rank and file are unaware there is even damage.
So when will I stop hating the organization?
by loosie ini have tried to stop hating the organization and all it stands for, but in 7 years i've had to luck in doing so.
i am going to therapy to work this out, but i still hate the wt borg.
i have heard it is bad for you to hate something for so long.
when you are a good person, it is hard to stop hating something that is evil
Is their a slackening off / lack of zeal in the witnessing work that I am observing or is it just the area I`m living in
by smiddy inlast saturday i was home with my wife,having a leisurely brekky pottering around in the kitchen ,then i noticed her standing still pondering ,what`s up i asked , wife :i thought i heard someone knocking ,i looked out the window to see two middle aged guys exciting my front drive.why didn`t you tell me they were their,i didn`t hear them.
i would have engaged them in conversation , but my wife doesn`t think i ought to,just let it go ,is her motto.. but my point is : i`m not deaf , and i didn`t hear them at the door , we were both in the front room ,my wife only thought she heard someone at the door only to be proved right observing them leaving i was in my pj`s and dressing gown so was not going to pursue them.
we have been living here nearly 5 years now and i can honestly say they have never been on our doorstep more than 4 times if that , i personally have only encountered them 3 times at the most.
The zeal is long gone. They are witnessing reluctantly because they are told by the GB that they have to in order to earn their salvation
Hi! First Post/Advice On a JW Friend?
by that_girl inlong time lurker, first time poster.
:) i'm not sure if a post this long is allowed as a first post (or if this is even in the right section), but here it goes!.
so while in high school, i became friends with a jw.
"Is she shunning me because I went away to college? Is it possible that she thinks college has changed me into a "worldly" person and doesn't want bad association?"
Hi and welcome! JWs are very tough to figure out. Some things are etched in stone with all JWs (i.e. you don't question the leadership....you don't talk to former members etc). Other things vary from person to person. (i.e. some will watch PG13 movies....others won't etc). One thing is certain. They are all under mind control. Their opinions and views swing dramatically based on the information handed down by the leadership. All it takes is a fiery speaker at a district convention to mention the "fact" that "worldly" people "serve Satan" instead of Jehovah.......and just like that....your friend will turn a cold shoulder to you.