I'm a prophet inspired by holy spirit!
I predicted platitudes and I was right!
JWman, if you have anything concrete to say, please do so
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
I'm a prophet inspired by holy spirit!
I predicted platitudes and I was right!
JWman, if you have anything concrete to say, please do so
i've thought about this subject for a long time but have.
avoided discussing it because of its abstract nature and.
the difficulties in explaining it.
I've thought about this subject for a long time but have
avoided discussing it because of its abstract nature and
the difficulties in explaining it. However, there are always
a lot of posts on this board arguing about evolution versus
creation - and it is frustrating to see an aspect of the debate
that you may be overlooking.
What "level" of cause are you satisfied with?
A creationist may encounter a marvel of nature and be satified
that he has reached the last level of causes - "God did this".
So, he's happy with this and stops the search for causes thusly.
An evolutionist keeps looking for causes - random molecules,
genes, survival of the fittest and so forth. He cannot claim
to have reached the "bottom" level of causes but he acts within
the honored tradition of looking for them. This tradition has
benefited us with a world full of wonders - because of scientific
inquiry into causes.
But what if the scientific tradition of investigation into
causes simply stops - not because we lose interest but rather
because science hits a "brick wall" that no amount of investiagtion
can defeat? If you think this is far fetched, you need to consider
the debate in quantum physics that has raged for several decades.
Einstein was repelled by the thought that the universe was founded
on ACAUSAL phenomena - he hated the idea that the quantum world
was the "BOTTOM" level of reality and that events in it HAD
NO CAUSE!!( I highly recommend the book Synchronicity, Science
and Soul-Making by Victor Mansfield - a professor of astronomy
and physics at Colgate University).
Thus, we are confronted with the idea that the universe,
fundamentally, "just is". The constants it depends upon are
arbitrary in the purest and most literal sense - they "just are".
(see pg. 31 of above book) because "at the bottom" (quantum
area) no further cause is locally possible.
If you're still not satified with looking for causes (many
scientists aren't - and still hate the "just is" idea)you can:
Say that our world is just one of many dimensions that cause
stuff to happen here - or --
Say that the whole universe is one undivided reality and that
everything is linked together in some mystical way.
I can't prove any of these true and neither can anyone else.
I like the multidimentional theory 'cause I think Plato was
right but that's just me!
Are there areas of science where this "brick wall" of causes
might be hit? I think LIFE might be next! Lemme explain:
When they first decoded the human genome at Celera, here's
some headlines (Reuters Feb.11, 2001) "First Look at Human
Genome Shows How Little There Is" ... "They said their findings
so far made it clear that far from being a blueprint, the human
genetic code was only a guidepost". "In fact, what has been said
about the human genome, that it is the blueprint for humans, it's
not true. We don't think blueprint is the right metaphor".
or this quote from Science Frontiers May-June 2001 pg.3 "As we
learn more and more about the gene complements of our planet's
multudinous lifeforms, the more it seems that the vaunted genome
may not incorporate all of the information necessary to construct
a living organism. Despite, assurances to the contrary, we must
ask if we really know the whole story."
I will not be surprized if genetic programming for instinctive
behavior is never found - and can be often proven NOT to be
learned by observation of the parent animal, either. (cowbirds?)
Here's another possible "brick wall" - developing artificial
intelligence. A good article was printed in Red Herring magazine
April 15, 2001 pg. 136 called "The Failure of AI" - "After 50
years of effort, research based on the notion that humans produce
intelligence using facts and rules has reached a dead end, and there
is no reason to think that a computer using such rules will ever
be built." Human intelligence can't be reduced to a set of rules??
What does this suggest? more of a "just is" universe??
There's a lot more that could be said - I think we will encounter a
whole new explanation of reality in the next two decades, based
on the study of minds and life. Maybe it's all a dream, I don't
know ....
or maybe it all "just is".
metatron ( mysticism can be entertaining)
calling all lost sheep!
it is not too late.
i have been an observer of this site for some time now.
Let me guess what your help consists of:
Empty promises
Threats that "the End is Near"
Would that be about right?
marion law lets residents keep solicitors off doorsteps.
thursday, october 25, 2001. mary beth lane.
dispatch staff reporter.
My reading of the appeal suggested that while the Society
may win the Stratton case, the idea of a prohibited list
may be on very solid grounds legally. Thus, with some effort,
JWs could be banned from a huge number of doors or face
a local fine.
my 18 year old mentally challenged son faces social services bringing on a guardianship hearing.
and the proposed guardians are his grandmother who he lives with and standby uncle and aunt, who are jw's.
my husband and myself aren't able to convince the family we want to be his guardians.
if you read my post above, please take no offence.
I wrote it without any hint of your subject, in pure coincidence.
You have difficult decisions to make, I would never wish to add
to your burdens.
compassion always,
any parent who wished that their child would remain a child.
forever would be viewed with appropriate horror.
it is heart.
Any parent who wished that their child would remain a child
forever would be viewed with appropriate horror. It is heart
rending indeed for a parent to face the responsibility of a
retarded offspring, knowing that adulthood may never be achieved.
My prayers and feelings go out to such parents, knowing that
they are the greatest examples of love and compassion.
With such suffering in view, what do we make of an organization
whose determined goal is to reduce adults into virtual children
and fanatically keep them that way? What does it say about
grown Witness adults who must ask the elders or Watchtower's
permission on every aspect of life?
Can I go to this wedding?
Can I help my husband with his holiday plans (the latest QFR)?
What kind of sex can I have with my mate?
What kind of treatments involving blood AM I ALLOWED?
This is NOT the Bible's purpose of " a law written on hearts".
It is NOT Christian adulthood guided by conscience.
It IS spiritual retardation - enforced, maintained, and insisted
on by elderly rulers who want their thralls to REMAIN dependent
children forever.
The Watchtower leadership is interfering with the Christian
purpose. They are hijackers who have misdirected willing and naive
adults into perpetual spiritual immaturity.
Remember this the next time claims are made about their "doing
God's will" or being part of the Divine purpose!
i just read this in yahoo about the huge economic problems that argentina is facing: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011219/wl/argentina_economy.html.
this is something that you know said that was going to happen and that it would be the start of future economic downfall all over the world.
Wiz, they are liars and bastards. False predictions make false
prophets and should - if Witlesses had any real logic - ruin
all credibility of the source that spread the falsehood, in the first place.
They applied their speculative views to people and time periods
that caused real hardship - like the "you will never grow old"
statement in the 1969 Awake.
i just read this in yahoo about the huge economic problems that argentina is facing: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011219/wl/argentina_economy.html.
this is something that you know said that was going to happen and that it would be the start of future economic downfall all over the world.
I predict there will be a great disaster and financial trouble
somewhere on earth at sometime in the future.
I predict there will be war and disease and famine somewhere,
Don't get too excited about Argentina - there have been near
defaults in Latin America across the past century, Furthermore,
Russia had a unilateral default on its debt only a few years
ago - the world muddled thru it.
some day maybe scientist will be able to read dna.. and maybe someday they might learn how to program dna with computers.. this to me doesn't seem that far away.. when they do they will be able to create new life forms, in effect play god.. do you think will man make life vastly better then when he can design it useing dna or someother molecule to make new life.. will altruisim guide him in what he does with his new abilities?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
My obsession is this: Suppose genes of various creatures are
completely decoded and no complete blueprint is ever found.
In this respect, genes would be more like a token or ticket
you present to a person who checks your hat and coat at a
restaurant. They give your item of apparel but have no detailed
plan for producing it (they don't make hats or coats).
I think there is growing evidence that while genes clearly
refer to a total creature, they don't directly contain all the
information needed to complete it - wide recognition of this
could transform our ideas about life, the universe and God.
it's incredible how a thought can be so simple - yet overlooked.
all the same.. suppose that meetings and field service and everything else.
connected with being a witness was done willingly?
It's incredible how a thought can be so simple - yet overlooked
all the same.
Suppose that meetings and field service and everything else
connected with being a Witness WAS DONE WILLINGLY? Suppose
it was all really voluntary? Could they survive without threats
or peer pressure?
This struck me while watching the Simpsons - Lisa decided
to become a Buddhist. It suddenly struck me that some people
follow ritual of all sorts - without anyone threatening to
disfellowship or shun them - they just do it because they want to.
No elders upbraiding, no circuit overseers demanding, no
peers shunning,nothing.
The Watchtower leadership hates the idea of really willing service,
while simultaneously telling the world that Witnesses are
"volunteers". Can you imagine them ever ALLOWING people to
'escape' to other religions without trying to punish them?
Heck, they don't even allow elders to resign!(you must get the
approval of the rest of the body of elders).
It all reminds me of Communist rule - where they had to use repression
because they couldn't compete in open markets. I could imagine
panic amidst the elderly goofs who rule this stupified mess,
watching Witnesses sneak off to churches with day care, soup
kitchens, REAL CHURCH MUSIC, charity, programs for teenagers,
programs for the elderly, ----- you know, stuff Jesus would like!