There are tons and tons of examples of pioneers, bethelites, missionaries, CO's that obeyed the GB by not getting an education and now in their old age, have no children, no money, no home and are a burden on the local congregation. I know a former D.O. who spent all his life in full time service and now struggles to get by on his special pioneer stipend. He has to work as a pirate cab driver. He has to depend on the generosity of the Congo and friends. He has no children to watch over him as he obeyed that "suggestion" of not having children in this time of the end.
You would think that they would have realized by now that not having an education is disastrous. It's called common sense not materialism to have an education.
If they're afraid of losing members by being exposed to knowledge at University, then maybe that should be a sign that they don't have the truth. The truth will pass the test of scrutiny & time.