(I personally don't feel that posting threads that display so much hostility towards XJWs in an XJW forum is conducive to the flow and normally welcoming atmosphere of the board, but hey, that's just my opinion.)
Can I be serious here for a minute..? Those who are lurking may well be struggling with suicidal thoughts and being discouraged from coming on here to have a rant about what is bothering them (regardless of that being bOrg-related or not) could be the difference between them acting on those thoughts or not. If someone is sufficiently depressed to be experiencing such a state of mind then they are vulnerable and deserve to be treated with love and respect, and welcomed by having their voices heard, rather than have it suggested that they turn away back to somewhere where they no longer have a voice.
If I hadn't have left when I did I very much doubt I'd have lived to see my 20th birthday. 2 of my friends from a neighbouring congregation both attempted suicide. Both were young women aged 17-20. Both were pioneers. 1 an elder's daughter and grandchild of an annointed, the other a MS's daughter. Despite having many so-called JW friends, not one of us felt we could confide in each other about how we were feeling. All of us suffered from the same feelings of inadequacy, guilt and shame brought on from our lifetimes of indoctrination from birth. None of us felt we were ever doing enough to warrant survival of the GT/Armargeddon. We all felt we'd be better off taking a direct route to the New System by ending our lifes in the current one. It's the collective "us versus the world" scenario. This fits in with Emile Durkheim's Theory of Egoistic Suicide where this is labelled as "excessive individualization". There have been many socio-psychological studies borne out of Durkheim's theory which corroborate the link between religious integration and suicide. You may or may not wish to read them, but they make for interesting reading and sure enough the same can be said for religious martyrdom, or the laying down of one's life for beliefs such as the JW blood doctrine.
As for freedom, well to use a JW-style analogy... would you rather be inprisioned in a jail with regular meals, a bed and a roof over your head; or, would you prefer to be free from such restrictions but homeless and living hand-to-mouth? Despite the hardships, most of us would choose the latter. Personal freedom is priceless.