Golly, sizemik, I guess we could add hypocracy to my pathetic arrogance, if it makes you happy. Or we could just drop it now, as I see you are not in the least affected by the idea that your conversion as an adult to the JWs should possibly be taken to suggest any character defect of any kind whatever.
I get it: I don't know you and your special circumstances that led you to radically re-organize your entire life and knock on strangers' doors to tell them pernicious lies without bothering to twaddle over to the library and see if 607 is just a made up date or not. Certainly it says nothing about your intellectual rigor.
For that matter, insinuating yourself into a seven-page thread for the sole purpose of making personal and profane attacks shouldn't be taken as any sort of indicator about your character in any sort of negative way whatsoever. No, that's just totally rational and normal.
sizemik: Here's a suggestion . . . get someone to read your posts aloud back to you . . . and listen to a pompous arsehole before you go fuck yourself again. |
OK. Are you thoroughly done now? Feel better after telling me to fuck myself twice? Or do you need a few more "internet tough" swings before you get right with yourself?
-- Oh, and you might want to check the urban dictionary definition of "ponce," before you go further out of your head. And the crack about the UK spelling of "asshole" was a little joke. I know, it's tough to catch that sort of thing when your eyes are rolled all the way back in your head.