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JoinedPosts by MikeNightHaShev
Clues in the Temple?
by MikeNightHaShev ineverything layed out in the temple secrets moshiach:.
his name will be in the name of the temple/"mikdash"-(melakim {i kings8:43).
'mikdash' note dash means =in regards to, therefore the term mikdash shows us the temple is a building in regards to mike.. let's walk through the temple- .
Clues in the Temple?
by MikeNightHaShev ineverything layed out in the temple secrets moshiach:.
his name will be in the name of the temple/"mikdash"-(melakim {i kings8:43).
'mikdash' note dash means =in regards to, therefore the term mikdash shows us the temple is a building in regards to mike.. let's walk through the temple- .
Everything layed out in the Temple secrets Moshiach:
His name will be in the name of the Temple/"MIKdaSH"-(Melakim {I Kings8:43)
'MIKdash' note Dash means =in regards to, therefore the term MIKdash shows us the Temple is a building in regards to Mike.
Let's walk through the Temple-
First thing comes the cleansing water (MIKveh)
Claiming to Be the spiritual water is claiming to be the cleansing from death (remover of death worship), that which comes from the head of the hosts (head of the Temple ) Michael called the messenger of LIFE.Next we walk through the Holy place where we find the golden table on which was the bread of the Presence
called the SHEW (SHEV) Bread which we already discussed.We see in this section of the temple is found the seven candle sticks (7 lights) Seven in Hebrew is SHEVA.-there is your light. IN Rev it talks about the seven stars surounding the son of man exactly as the seven in the Legion of Michael's messengers because in the Talmud the head of the Host and in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Bible the head of the Congregation is Michael this is even in the Muslim faith's Koran where Michael is the Prayer leader (Imam).
Let's go onto the next room, the Holy of Holies which has the Ark of the Covenenant which
Moshiach is the true rock (Daniel reveals this Rock as Michael), and the word which is stored inside the ark known as the 10 commandments.
Note the Bible in Hebrew is called the MIKra.
Ra is a Hebrew word meaning Father in Heaven (not to be confused with Egypts deity), therefore the word is revealing MIKE the Father IN Heaven.Also it holds the 'staff' (HaShevet) of Aaron, Moshiach is also the staff (HaShevet) and in Numbers /Korach 17: 25
(careful there's a different verse number in the NT)
Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel. This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."The "staff" (HaShevet) being the leader of the nation.
This is like saying in his day put the real staff in the ark but also in the future events meaning put back the staff of Aaron aka the Kohanim before the ark of Testimony (in the Temple). In other words it's Moshiachs role as the liberator like Moses(deut)to bring back the ones who right it is (the Kohanim) back into their proper place at the Temple. Not the imposter temple in Rome but in the one to come the MIKdash in Jerusalem.
Conclusion: This is why Isaiah 66 says the gentiles will in this time finally see
G-d, which means they never had him at heart until the veil be removed by Moshiach. (IS 25:7)
Which by now you should secret the name. -
don`t be fooled JW`s
by steveykys indont be fooled jw`s you say that jesus is the way to god (yeh).
but you dont believe jesus is god you also obey the ten commandments?
then if this is the case, you are breaking them god say don` have no other gods before me fo i am a jelous god if you are putting jesus as a way to god the dont you think god will be angry?
Actually your arguement shows you as the one breaking the commands by placing a man (really a figure of a man)before G-d thus placing another pseudo god before G-d.
Remember Jesus (the Morning Star) is the person you call Lucifer trying to place his throne up high in place of G-d's throne
(Isaiah 14:12-19, Rev 22:16).You say how can Jesus be an angel (thus the fallen angel)?
Perhaps you create your own portraits of the term in it's context which simply means messenger/prophet exactly what Jesus is claimed to be.Jesus claim is as an angel:
Rev 22:16 calling himself Bright morning star.
Stars=angels proof:
Revelation 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.Bright=top/main
Morning or Day =is the sun god Baal Satan worship as even seen in Isaiah 14:12-19
Star =angel
Jesus declared he was the arch(bright)Angel(star) of the Morning (Satan).
Try looking it up in the Encyclopedia:
Morning Star=Lucifer
Now you know why you'd all be deceived and why he's the great deceiver.
Behavioral Insight
by MikeNightHaShev indespite all the different theories of the purpose for this world and its order, mankind still suffers, and still doesn't understand why nature acts up on us this way.
aren't we the very reason for nature's cruelty to the living world?
when will we finally wake up and realize that we are all part of a whole, and everything we do causes a reaction and affects everything else, including our own emotions, causing us to make bad choices and experience cruel consequences.. take the nature of hate and aggression for instance.
Taking this thought further we can see the problem in which group pride might cause through labels we carry especially the group adhesion seen in our grouping of religions into labels or as I call them 'Gangs'.
I call them Gangs because they see everyone outside their affiliation as a rival and in that no matter what good the rival contributes to life they will be frowned upon and people will be condescending towards them, while also within their own group adhesion they will see their own no matter how wrong or bad as being acceptable and justified within the order of the group and it's group pride
creating for itself a ('gang Mentality').
We see how wrong and silly this gang mentality is in the mean streets and in Prison social classes, however we replicate it in our own practices of group pride through our religious affiliation which carries a label thus carries a banner of the home team verses the other rival teams type mentality.
We know in sports there are the great players and the lousy players on each team, we must realize that this also takes place in every religion.
By our not noticing this means we don't see the good from the bad and discern good from bad we only see us against them thus become complacent about the sins in our own group while ignoring the blessings of those outside our group.
We see them categorized and stigmatized by their group adhesion. This is causing people to treat others, not by who they are, but by what our conscious assumes about them through these triggers in thought. This sadly is why sometimes a label is more important than the heart and soul of a person.
Labels are just a way of accepting your own and the hell with the rest. Like a sports team who's name is proud and anyone without that name is the rival. With these walls we end up rejecting anything good and logical coming from the contributions of another group all because it's not part of our groups contributions.
All because of our pride and prejudice we then miss out on the value, thus we spite ourselves. -
Behavioral Insight
by MikeNightHaShev indespite all the different theories of the purpose for this world and its order, mankind still suffers, and still doesn't understand why nature acts up on us this way.
aren't we the very reason for nature's cruelty to the living world?
when will we finally wake up and realize that we are all part of a whole, and everything we do causes a reaction and affects everything else, including our own emotions, causing us to make bad choices and experience cruel consequences.. take the nature of hate and aggression for instance.
Despite all the different theories of the purpose for this world and its order, mankind still suffers, and still doesn't understand why nature acts up on us this way. Aren't we the very reason for nature's cruelty to the living world?
When will we finally wake up and realize that we are all part of a whole, and everything we do causes a reaction and affects everything else, including our own emotions, causing us to make bad choices and experience cruel consequences.
Take the nature of hate and aggression for instance. When its not biological its an emotional state by choice. We sometimes chose to feel angry and destructive in this sort of cancer cell mentality, and this occurs from our psychological and emotional problems through dealing with life's stressful nature and the sociological problems we face. Common sense says we should strive to make life the least bit stressful for ourselves while learning about our own social behavior in order that we understand and control our emotions from getting the best of us.
Therefore I believe the fundamental and perpetual happiness of man ought to arise from value to himself and his own conduct. Feeling that his witness is high, he ought to be satisfied with the approval of his own conscience and not rise and fall in soul, like an applause meter, with the favors and frowns of his fellow peers.
When we do things to please others, that is when we seem to make our lives complicated and overly stressful. What society paints as a picture of normal life is not necessarily the right way for most people to live their lives.
Sometimes we are subjected to useless pain and agony over the inability to see what's best over what is placed upon us. We often forget that our neighbors are valuable to us and that we benefit from their works, explicitly that we should appreciate them.
However, never should we make our lives more stressful and labored over trying to impress them or in seeking their approval or validation in order to feel self-worth. That kind of thinking is where a person’s ego leads them into the wrong path or into a much too complicated a life especially, when they are doing it to maintain the wrong kind of friends.
In fact ego itself is a major cause of bad things occurring in our life. It is a big measuring stick for how much one suffers. The more ego the more suffering and the more they rid this ego, the less they suffer unto themselves. A fully developed person must have a natural instinct against the nature of egoism, while the opposite is true for someone who has not grown psychologically and spiritually.
Look at the egos of the great evil dictators, who plaster their face and their name all over the place. Look at what great harm ego does to the pride of a national leader, who will try and save face for his own needs rather than his people, like in wars. Ego can keep people from admitting faults, make them displace blame, cause them to disregard truth and what is right, just out of pride.Ego makes discerning right from wrong, good from bad, light from darkness, very difficult for some people because they will always seek excuses rather then solutions.
Next Month-Rosh HaShanah-Teshuvah Lesson
by MikeNightHaShev insometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
it's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick. It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself on your carpet wimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do?
Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn’t exist or worse displace blame?This nature is called the 'Cognitive Dissonance' which is a kind of protective covering that we build around ourselves in order to ward off information that we don't want to hear.
According to cognitive dissonance theory, we seek consistency among our beliefs. When there is dissonance between belief and behavior, we change something to eliminate the dissonance. We could change our behavior to accord with our beliefs, but usually, we change our attitude to accommodate our behavior. It's much less work.
It’s easier to accuse and reject the revealer (judge) of our behavior then it is to self reflect and admit and fix our problems being exposed.During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of cognitive dissonance. This process is called the return to G-d (in Hebrew=Teshuva).
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.
Last years Rosh Hashanah was a sign as it fell on Michaelemas during which we ran into the start of this current conflict-
G-d said to Abraham Abinu that the Shofar should be blown on Rosh Hashanah. Through this, whenever His people would sin, the Shofar would remind him of the Aqedah and He would forgive them.
Sepharadim blow during both the silent 'Amidah and the repetition and blow a total of one hundred and one calls (101 is the Gematria for Mikhael, Israel's guardian malakh).
In the parsha, the Torah spells out the dire results of collective Jewish "ostrich-ism." Ninety-eight curses -- each more chilling than the former. People who know about the Melchizedek scroll about the Jubilee year atonement on Yom Kippur which fell on the Judges celebration say of Michaelemas in 1998 and my warning in 98 about this hiding from Judgment -know what this reveals.
The Shofarot - Blasts of the Shofar is one of the 3 prayers on Rosh HaShanah
The Shofar will be blown during the final battles of Israel with its enemies.
It will be sounded when our Exiles return.
It will be sounded when the Temple will be rebuilt.
It is the sound signifying the Presence of the majesty of G-d.
We ask that it be sounded again with the arrival of the Mashiach.
Making the 101 Times it’s blown all the more significant. -
Next Month Rosh HaShanah
by MikeNightHaShev insometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
it's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick. It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself on your carpet wimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do?
Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn’t exist or worse displace blame?This nature is called the 'Cognitive Dissonance' which is a kind of protective covering that we build around ourselves in order to ward off information that we don't want to hear.
According to cognitive dissonance theory, we seek consistency among our beliefs. When there is dissonance between belief and behavior, we change something to eliminate the dissonance. We could change our behavior to accord with our beliefs, but usually, we change our attitude to accommodate our behavior. It's much less work.
It’s easier to accuse and reject the revealer (judge) of our behavior then it is to self reflect and admit and fix our problems being exposed.During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of cognitive dissonance. This process is called the return to G-d (in Hebrew=Teshuva).
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.
Last years Rosh Hashanah was a sign as it fell on Michaelemas during which we ran into the start of this current conflict-
G-d said to Abraham Abinu that the Shofar should be blown on Rosh Hashanah. Through this, whenever His people would sin, the Shofar would remind him of the Aqedah and He would forgive them.
Sepharadim blow during both the silent 'Amidah and the repetition and blow a total of one hundred and one calls (101 is the Gematria for Mikhael, Israel's guardian malakh).
In the parsha, the Torah spells out the dire results of collective Jewish "ostrich-ism." Ninety-eight curses -- each more chilling than the former. People who know about the Melchizedek scroll about the Jubilee year atonement on Yom Kippur which fell on the Judges celebration say of Michaelemas in 1998 and my warning in 98 about this hiding from Judgment -know what this reveals.
The Shofarot - Blasts of the Shofar is one of the 3 prayers on Rosh HaShanah
The Shofar will be blown during the final battles of Israel with its enemies.
It will be sounded when our Exiles return.
It will be sounded when the Temple will be rebuilt.
It is the sound signifying the Presence of the majesty of G-d.
We ask that it be sounded again with the arrival of the Mashiach.
Making the 101 Times it’s blown all the more significant. -
Acts 20:20,21
by stevieb1 inacts 20:21,21: according to the nwt these verses read:.
"while i did not hold back from telling you any of these things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house.
but i thoroughly bore witness to both jews and to greeks about repentance towards god and faith in our lord jesus.".
Yes I'd like to respond to this:
Perhaps you'll get the lesson and hypocracy in this story:I was gonna drop off a copy of my new Book
"Keepers of the Unpopular Truth" to a JW Hall
and the Elder rudely declined the free book I was offering him.
He said he only relies on the Bible.
I said to him the Bible verses were in this book and there were many helpful verses JW's missed that support their many positions. Still he declined my free gift.
I began to tell him he didn't understand that he might be missperceiving the nature of the book, that it was in line with his beliefs and would be helpful.
Still he got obnoxiously rude and walked off.
The first thing that came to mind I blurted out without control:
I said:
"you know what you just did don't you?"
He said: "no what?"
I SAID: "you just validated everyone who's ever refused one of your own tracts you tried to bestwo on them as a free gift"With a shocked face he blurted out a giant "D'OH!" in frustration knowing he had just stumped himself.
But even more ironic is when the free book is in the name of the Author Michael and you claim Michael as the Christ to rise Dan 12:1-4
in this time now and the last name of the author HaShev in Hebrew means 'Return Deliver/Restore'and you know Michael best knows the scripture of Truth -Dan 10:21 and yet reject any secreting of the bible by such a man coming in his name then you trully don't believe like you claim to believe. You truly don't leave access or an outlet or open door for that Michael to come in and do his job.To see the Book the Elder Rejected, visit here for a free online copy: -
WT teaches Jesus is SATAN
by Tallyman in*
i kontend that this is the absolute biggest flip-flop.
the watchtower society has ever produced.. now, i'll raise y'all one, and call.. .
What planet have you been living on that you didn't know Jesus was satan who admited he was the bright morning star=Lucifer Rev 22:16.
His kingdom was not of this earth he exclaimed in John thus it must be in death as Rev shows his claim to having the keys to the abyss and being the keeper of the gate and he taught death worship.
He was the son of perdition who fell to the pit in Acts 2:27 and
1 Peter 3:19 which is what perdition means.
Romans 6:4
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into dead
Colossians 2:12
and you were buried with him in baptism
Apocryphon of James
".... become seekers for death, like the dead who seek for life; for that which they seek is revealed to them. And what is there to trouble them? As for you, when you examine death it will teach you election. Verily I say unto you, none of those who fear death will be saved; for the kingdom of death belongs to those who put themselves to death!"Think carefully, the creators creation and grace is life the adversary disregards your life for sake of a place in death which is anti the creator and anti creation.
You need to keep up or be left in the dark; -
Prophecy Blunders
by Brutus in" (watchtower p. 56, 1894) .
" (watchtower, p. 150, may 15, 1922) .
" (watchtower, jan. 1, 1924, p5) .
It amazes me how people can recognize false prophecy except they seem to have amnesia over the false prophecy of Jesus, Paul, and many Church leaders over the centuries.
From 30-90 ad the gospels recorded many failed predictions of end times:
in Matthew 16:28: "...there shall be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Since the life expectancy in those days was little over 30 years, Jesus predicted his second coming sometime during the 1st century CE. It didn't happen. more failed end time rants can be found in (I Cor. 10:11 -KJV) (Heb. 1:2 -KJV) (I Peter 1:20 -KJV) (I Peter 4:7 -KJV)(1 John 2:15-17) (I John 2:18 -KJV)About 60 CE: Paul of Tarsus believed that Jesus would return and usher in a rapture during the lifetime of persons who were living in the middle of the 1st century. About 90 CE: Saint Clement 1 predicted that the world end would occur at any moment.
375 to 400 CE: Saint Martin of Tours, a student of Hilary, was convinced that the end would happen sometime before
400 CE. 500 CE: This was the first year-with-a-nice-round-number-panic. The antipope Hippolytus and an earlier Christian academic Sextus Julius Africanus had predicted Armageddon
at about this year 992: Good Friday coincided with the Feast of the Annunciation; this had long been believed to be the event that would bring forth the Antichrist, and thus the end-times events foretold in the book of Revelation.
1000-JAN-1: Many Christians in Europe had predicted the end of the world on this date. As the date approached, Christian armies waged war against some of the Pagan countries in Northern Europe. The motivation was to convert them all to Christianity, by force if necessary, before Christ returned in the year 1000. Meanwhile, some Christians had given their possessions to the Church in anticipation of the end. Fortunately, the level of education was so low that many citizens were unaware of the year. They did not know enough to be afraid. Otherwise, the panic might have been far worse than it was. Unfortunately, when Jesus did not appear, the church did not return the gifts. Serious criticism of the Church followed. The Church reacted by exterminating some heretics.
1033: Some believed this to be the 1000th anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus. His second coming was anticipated. Jesus' actual date of execution is unknown, but is believed to be in the range of 27 to 33 CE only because they weren't educated to know of the story of Yeshu ben Pandera who lived a century before the dating of the icon.
1147: Gerard of Poehlde decided that the millennium had actually started in 306 CE during Constantine's reign. Thus, the world end would happen in 1306 CE.
**Notice a pattern where people displace why the events didn't occur, they keep pushing the dates farther and farther rather then admit they have been deceived. **
1179: John of Toledo predicted the end of the world during 1186. This estimate was based on the alignment of many planets. 1205: Joachim of Fiore predicted in 1190 that the Antichrist was already in the world, and that King Richard of England would defeat him. The Millennium would then begin, sometime before 1205. 1284: Pope Innocent III computed this date by adding 666 years onto the date the Islam was founded. 1346 and later: The black plague spread across Europe, killing one third of the population. This was seen as the prelude to an immediate end of the world. If they knew what SEA meant they would have known that 1/3 the fish (Christians) in the sea (Rome) meant Christians in Roman teritory who did die when Rome was trying to remove Christianity before they adopted the sect to mask their unity movement similar to the one you see today. Most unexecusable was the fact they diplaced the blame onto the Jews for the Plague to hide the fact it was their fault as the Christians had previously killed many of the cats, fearing that they might be familiars of Witches. The fewer the cats, the more the rats. It was the rat fleas that spread the black plague. 16XX Mother Shipton, a 16th century mystic predicted the end of the world: "The world to an end shall come; in eighteen hundred and eighty-one."
1669: The Old Believers in Russia believed that the end of the world would occur in this year. 20 thousand burned themselves to death from 1669 to 1690 to protect themselves from the Antichrist. *Yikes* 1794: Charles Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism, thought Doomsday would be in this year. 1832: Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon movement, heard a voice and interpreted it as implying that if he lived to the age of 85, Jesus would return. This would be the year 1890. Unfortunately, by that year, Smith had been dead for almost a half century.
1936: Herbert W Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, predicted that the Day of the Lord would happen sometime in 1936. When the prediction failed, he made a new estimate: 1975.
1959: The Branch Davidians of Waco TX believed that they would be killed, resurrected and transferred to heaven by APR-22.
1967: During the six day war, the Israeli army captured all of Jerusalem. Many conservative Christians believed that the rapture would occur quickly. However, the final Biblical prerequisite for the second coming is that the Jews resume ritual animal sacrifices in the temple at Jerusalem. That never happened. 1970's: The late Moses David (formerly David Berg) was the founder of the Christian religious group, The Children of God. He predicted that a comet would hit the earth, probably in the mid 1970's and destroy all life in the United States. One source indicated that he believed it would happen in 1973. Back in the 70's Pastor Arnold Murray of Chepherds Chapel predicted that the Antichrist would appear before 1981.
1978: Chuck Smith, Pastor of Calvary Chapel in Cost Mesa CA predicted the rapture in 1981.
1982: Pat Robertson predicted a few years previously that the world would end in the fall of 1982.
1986: Moses David of The Children of God faith group predicted that the Battle of Armageddon would take place in 1986. Russia would defeat Israel and the United States. A worldwide Communist dictatorship would be established. In 1993, Christ would return to earth.
1988: Hal Lindsey predicted in his book "The Late, Great Planet Earth" that the Rapture was coming in 1988 - one generation or 40 years after the creation of the state of Israel. This failed prophecy did not appear to damage his reputation. He continues to blunder on prophecy like his y2k scare and other mistakes yet still writes books of prophecy which sell very well indeed. I and others have continually outted his false prophecy and scripture interps yet he's stilll allowed to teach.
1989: Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31st, 1989. Benny Hinn tells everyone The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God. 1990-APR-23: Elizabeth Clare Prophet, leader of the Church Universal and Triumphant made a series of statements that many members believed indicated the start of nuclear war on this date. At least 2,000 followers traveled Montana to occupy CUT's fallout shelters.
1992-OCT-28: Lee Jang Rim, a Korean Christian pastor, taught that the Rapture would occur on this date, at 10:00 AM EST. It didn't happen; many of his followers allegedly committed suicide. 1993: Benny Hinn, an Assemblies of God pastor from Florida predicted that the rapture would come in 1993. He also said that God would destroy all homosexuals by 1995 at the latest.
1993 to 1997: Rulon Jeffs was spokesperson for the The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Mormon polygamist splinter group. In 1993, he allegedly told high school graduates to not attend college. The reasoning was that the world would end before they could finish. Now why are some of these people still followed or allowed to teach when the bible makes it clear about the world NOT ENDING, but also about these false prophets who do not speak for G-d.Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32. Sources:Religious tolerance web site, with my additions and commentary and follow up lesson with bible verse as that source.