JoinedTopics Started by ReligionOfHatred
Paso Robles man sentenced to 6 years in child porn case
by truthseekeriam inby patrick s. pemberton.
[email protected] 16, 2015 updated 49 minutes ago.
How to evade questions from elders when you stop going out door to door
by Olivia Wilde indue to circumstances right now i cannot leave permanently the watchtower, however i need honest advice of what to say when elders question me how come im not meeting the group out for door to door & going out in " field service"... what would be proper responses not to draw suspicions since i'm aware of ttatt.. .any serious advice please...
Watchtower Double Talk September 15, 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inis this double talk or is it just me?
it's a comment in the sept 15, 2015 wt about higher education:.
11 today, we are blessed with much knowledge of jehovahs works of creation and the outworking of his purpose.
Extreme emotions re today's watchtower
by Tornintwo ini was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
JOHN OLIVER START'S CHURCH ON HBO! Greedy Televangelists 20 Minute Exposed! $60 million planes!
by ReligionOfHatred inwhen you watch this video our religion is pure compared to the depths of their greed.
john oliver exposed one of them and created a religion on tv, please enjoy!
this is what i need to post instead of family drama, thank you all for helping me!.
Another Kim Davis inspired self-invented "gay issue"
by Simon inwhat is it about some of these self proclaimed "christians" who go seeking persecution when it don't exist?.
we've had a case locally in calgary where the initial reports sounded like the person had a legitimate claim: a bus driver didn't want to drive the bus in a gay pride parade and said he'd resign if they made him and that the local transit company was threatening him to force him to do it.. except it was all invented ... by him !.
they already proactively told him that there was no danger that he would be asked to drive that bus in the parade (i.e.
The JW Elder Who Started All the Insanity that was bound to eventually start. This Elder Loves Trouble!
by ReligionOfHatred inin order to understand what is happening you have to start from the beginning of our saga.
about nine years ago a elder with asperger's syndrome found out my family member almost came to blows with our next door neighbor who is so successful, he probably makes $2 million a year net-income with all his businesses and investments.
the co-owner of the property got angry because our neighbor did not like certain breeds of dogs, the fact was he was mauled by the breed elder bucket-head owned and elder bucket-head refused to fix the fence and so his dog would continually show up on my neighbors front door harassing his little dogs and growl.. elder asperger's heard my dad and his friend talking about uncle bucket-head's near blows even though they were whisphering at book study, his ears are good when it comes to seeking out sin and finding ways to bring brothers before the elders.
You tell me, does God give a damn?You tell me , do God give a damn?In one word. . .NO!
by James Mixon in2005...three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
at least 80% of humanity lives on less.
than $10.00 a day.
Are Elders Becoming Disposible Diapers for the Watchtower Organization? Evidence Suggest Yes!
by ReligionOfHatred inthere is a set of videos many of you watched where the elders on those videos said "the society is going to use the full weight of their legal might to get them removed!
" it's been almost three or four years and those videos are still up on the internet helping people leave the organization or never join after seeing the high group mind control methods employed.. i thought it was only stupid people that got stuck in this religion(my kh was what i based this on), instead i have met many members on this website and others who are high achievers, very smart and definitely would have kicked ass in our world.
unfortunately, many of our friends here were greatly disadvantaged by being "second generation, "third" or "fourth" or "5th gens" and so their parents parroted "the end is near!
Went to a revival meeting
by hoser inwell it was a circuit assembly but basically the same thing.
imitate jehovah in your family using resources wisely was one of the parts.
they basically said don't buy a new cell phone so you can give more to "jehovah".