Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult. However, even cults in most instances are deserving of their basic HUMAN rights to assemble peaceably and to worship whatever god they choose or it whatever way they want. Such fundamental human rights are not the province of orthodox or even the mainstream.
Anyone, west or east, that would revel in such an obvious denial of human rights - simply because it is the Jehovah's Witnesses - only shows that when it comes to JWs, nothing is too low for them. It is only just a tiny step between police (Gestapo-type) crackdowns, to imprisonment to genocide. Such persons have no claim to enlightenment and certainly not Christianity and you provide no reason why anyone should listen to you about anything, even your legitimate criticisms.
Greendawn, as usual your comments contribute nothing to the discussion since there is no such thing as a discussion when it comes to JWs as far as you are concerned. (and besides, I don't see how anyone could ever take someone who uses that stupid Austin Powers movie character as an avatar serious - but perhaps it shows that you found that movie funny which says quite a bit about you.)
Richie Rich - I will chalk your comments up to youthful ignorance. The fact that something may be a law does not make it right. In the U.S. it was not too long ago that the law forbade intermarriage, segregated persons of color from whites in schools and public facilities, and did not permit women to vote, etc.
Being a student of Russian culture for more than a decade and a half, it saddens me to see something like this. Russia has a long way to go in many areas but one day it will embrace full human rights for all of its citizens and learn to tolerate both dissident political speech and minority religions, sects and cults.