If I had such a kneejerk reaction whenever a negative comment was made I would be bouncing around more than a Mexican Jumping Bean
What I took issue with was the topic of the post that claimed to relate "a FACT that debunks the statement of this being the " last memorial"..."
The topic title itself suggests that the statement in question is valid enough to need a fact to debunk it.
My first comments were with respect to whether the "statement" in question was a real statement, embraced by JWs. As I pointed out not only is there no official endorsement of such a statement but most JWs, as far as I know, do not endorse such a statement.
Although, I subsequently admit that there may be a a general sentiment of "end is near" within JWs that is a reflection of our large cultural dread due to current world events. (Thus i would view it quite plausible that some JWs might indeed feel that this could be last memorial.)
But Kitty's post or even your own original post never clarified that this statement was not an official endorsement, so for the sake of accuracy, I merely pointed out that it was not an official statement nor likely a widespread belief.
Then in reading Kitty's statements regarding post 9/11 attitudes, since the implication from Kitty's post was that these post 9/11 attitudes were grounds to deride JWs, I felt that the interest of fairness (and since no other forum participant seemed to be willing to do it) that I should point out that these were not unique to JWs.
JWs have (presently) two doctrinal beliefs which suggest that the Witnessing work will not be completed before the conclusion of the GT and Armageddon. The first is in reference to Matthew 10:23 which states:
When they persecute YOU in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to YOU, YOU will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.
Here "arriving" refers not to the 1914 belief but rather to Jesus "standing up" and arriving to do the final battle with Satan and his. The work that the holy ones (aka the anointed and led JWs) are doing is preaching work. It may be that the reference to the "cities of Israel" means that these are new annointed ones coming into association in lands where they were not yet able to come into association with the other anointed, but I haven't seen that clarified like that.
The second belief, which I call the Last Biological Clock doctrine within Jehovah's Witnesses stems from the belief that the anointed will still be alive when the end comes based upon Matthew 24:22:
for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.
22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.
This latter belief doesn't imply the preaching and teaching work as directly as the first, but because JWs believe that it is the anointed's role (those on Earth) as the FDS-class to direct such preaching and teaching work, by implication, such work will not be completed in line with the above scripture. Incidently, I call this the "Last Biological Clock" (the former biological clock being the discarded 1914 Generation Doctrine) because it is ticking away with every death of the 8000+ old folks claiming to be the anointed.
who asked about the "ban" on religion? Again some feel that the scriptures are interpreted as a "ban" on religion and others feel that it just means antagonism (some to an extreme degree) and others to a milder extent.
and yes JWs believed and believe this based upon Revelation 17:16 and the surrounding context and cross-references to the identities of the Scarlet-colored Beast (used to be, may still be the U.N.) and the Woman (aka Babylon the Great, aka worldwide false religion).