phoning it in this time Minimus...
phoning it in this time Minimus...
Mine were and to an extent still are the three B's plus the King (Elvis).
the three Bs were...the Beatles, the Beach Boys and the Bay City Rollers...
when i was a little kid though..i really liked Charley Pride (and still do)
*sigh* the joys of parenthood.. i just got a call from my son's school.
he gets picked up by his after school care in a van.
all the kids who get picked up are lined up outside to get ready for their rides.. my son decides it's a good idea to pick up a stick and throw it, hitting a car and putting a small dent in it.
It sounds like, he was outside, etc. and that throwing a stick itself would not have got him in trouble. (unless you are one of those crazy moms that never think it is appropriate to throw anything)
The problem is that he hasn't learned to LOOK before he throws something. That is the lesson he needs to learn.
Thus, my suggestion is to teach him to always LOOK before he throws anything and to teach him to have better aim so he should practice throwing a football, ball, etc....yeah seriously.
i have just seen the video with the jw spiritual leader giving evidence in a court case. there he says,.
"we dont use the word, shunning".
actually it is quite possible to miss information and points. few Witnesses, even elders, really read everything and if they do they don't always mentally note or catch everything. So maybe the guy really does believe that the term is not used. And if he does believe that, it doesn't make him a liar, just ignorant or wrong.
and what i said or meant was not that his testimony was no big deal or whatever, but that his testimony has no consequence on organizational policy or JW belief. your thread title is all wrong in its premise and that's how it is no big deal and doesn't deserve your "It's official!..." headline.
well it's been a while since i posted here, hope you're all well !!
i've been wondering for a while, you know those "publisher record cards" that the jw's hold which detail each "publisher", well i remember reading that they are not for the person to view, they are strictly for the elders use..if that's the case, (that bugged me even when when i was a jw) would that not be a breach of the privacy act ??
man that secret squirrel shit pissed me off !!
yeah that's not quite right....
usually, all publishers were given their cards to review at one of the bookstudies once a year...but you did have ot turn them in...
and probably if you asked your secretary to look at your card, they would let you review it....
as for the "files" those are what only the elders are supposed to have access to..and then, accessed is limited.
the cards themselves are nothing special..just a tally of the stats you reported each month..
but since there are no "membership rolls" kept, officially..the cards on file is what designates the congregations membership...
ive just collected my 6 year old son from school.
he sat in the back of the car and told me about a little girl from the year above him who has to leave her classroom and sit in his due to christmassy things going on.
my youngster remarked "she doesnt believe in christmas.
I got to just go home usually which made it easier than just sitting it out. I do remember enjoying singing Christmas songs in music class. At some point, I can't remember whether I stopped or rationalized it when I figured out it was probably something I shouldn't be doing (according to whomever).
I think people have different experiences and in part also personality is a factor. In one sense, I always felt different than others anyway, so this was just another thing. (and of course there is the built in superiority feelings believing that you are doing the right thing). I suspect that people who need more social approval than I do, found dealing with the exclusion and being singled out to be much harder emotionally.
Additionally, although it was certainly hard to do, standing apart from my peers taught me that I could be different. Thus, later during the teen years, it was very easy to resist peer pressure to drink, smoke, etc.. And in adulthood, it is easy for me to speak in the minority, to argue for an unpopular cause and to challenge authority or the group. I believe part of this is due to the childhood experience of being a JW that was thrust upon me.
So I think there are some positives that result from the JW childhood and what that usually entails.
Also let's not forget that many other persons than JWs don't celebrate Christmas, orthodox Jews for example, so let's not just whine about JW kids being "abused" or you have to include all these other persons too.
Anyway, having said all of the above, I know that I certainly would have ENJOYED celebrating holidays, getting to go to Barbara Baker's (a cute girl i liked) birthday party when she invited me, and so forth. And I would probably have enjoyed a richer social life later had I gotten to do these things.
On the whole, while there were some positives, I think it is better if JW children and adult JWs for that matter are not further marginalized by not participating in these common holidays or other cultural festivals etc. We all know the lines regarding the "paganism" and "superstition" arguments are drawn arbitrarilly and irrationally (not too mention unscripturally) and so in the future JWs will hopefully discard these particular aspects about them just as they have gradually given up other things like objections to pinatas, etc.
i have just seen the video with the jw spiritual leader giving evidence in a court case. there he says,.
"we dont use the word, shunning".
just because he is has been an elder for many years, it doesn't mean he speaks for the society or even for other JWs....just fyi...
as to his terms...he might not be aware of the times when the word shun or shunning has been used to describe that aspect of the disfellowshipping practice and/or it is just reflective of his own experience. perhaps he doesn't or other witnesses don't. And actually, my experience is that few JWs ever called disfellowshipping "shunning" in oral conversation.
anyway, it is not a big deal, his testimony, in terms of policy or doctrine. it has no effect and certainly isn't "official" in any aspect.
i spent last saturday about 10 miles out of grants pass bring some supplies to a friend who was in the search and rescue for james kim, and talking with people who were looking for him.
being a long time resident of oregon, i can tell you exactly where he was, as i have been down that road many many times.
it is a remote location, at best, and locals mainly use it for hunting a fishing access, or maybe a chance to go motorcycle riding through the mountains.
Maybe since you are familiar with the area you can answer one thing that i wondered about. The question that I had was why he wouldn't walk back down the road or stay on the road but instead why he attempted to go cross-country. It seems obvious, that if one does choose to try to hike for help that you would follow the road in the hope of meeting up with some passing car (and certainly any rescuers).
i spent last saturday about 10 miles out of grants pass bring some supplies to a friend who was in the search and rescue for james kim, and talking with people who were looking for him.
being a long time resident of oregon, i can tell you exactly where he was, as i have been down that road many many times.
it is a remote location, at best, and locals mainly use it for hunting a fishing access, or maybe a chance to go motorcycle riding through the mountains.
I don't mean to make light of his death but i think the situation illustrates that sometimes people who are smart in one area can be totally devoid of any practical intelligence in other areas.
here is a picture of our tree and my darling dobes!
please send a picture of your tree and any darlings you want to include!.
here's a coule of pics. third year hving the tree. just figured out that the if i put in the little red bulbs it makes the lights twinkle
there's a few out though along one strand. i tried switching in a bulb i know is good but couldn't locate the bad bulb. these things are a little funny the way they work.