Posts by Diest
What Can We Do to Show How We Cared about Oompa?
by Band on the Run ini know others have posted on the original thread.
several people, including myself, would like to do something concrete to show our concerns re: his treatment by the jw, and how important he was to all of us here.
i suggested a handwritten note, on behalf of the whole community here, flowers, and perhaps a donation to a charity that helps people get back on their feet.
Great Crowd Or Anointed...Your Choice!
by Cold Steel inyou're a jehovah's witness in good standing.
you have a choice of being one of the "great crowd" or being anointed.
your choice?
Wow some people can turn a fun thread into a bore.
I would choose GC in a heartbeat. I dont want to be up in heaven like some monk. I want to explore the galaxy and live a fulfilled life doing everything you cant do during these 70 years.
Just when I thought I had a reasonable jw on my friends list
by loosie ini was quickly reminded that i didn't.
and i was showed how much love they really do have for old friends and unbelieveing family.
did i mention that i hate jw's?.
Cult is a sign of how fucked up they are....
Article: Emailed thank-you note from woman in need of blood gives Pensacola lawyer a blast from past.
by AndersonsInfo in .
emailed thank-you note gives pensacola lawyer a blast from past.
attorney joel cohen talks about his experience.
I dont have a Facebook accout that is not attached to JW families, can somone go smack the poster Kellie Freeman around for me....she is a JW Troll of the highest level. Claiming that only 100! JWs died from not getting blood.
A funy thing happened to me ...
by scotoma ini suddenly realized that this board has the same methods at its disposal as the watchtower and it will use them.
and there's no appeal.. i am so saddened by this i feel like killing myself.
this was my last refuge of being able to discuss things that are on my mind.. and now i see there is no hope.
Honestly your idea and point was quite valid. Timing is everything. I have enjoyed your posts before so I dont think you should dispair so quickly. I hope you stay and continue to post.
Help Me Understand - Electoral Votes
by Sam Whiskey ingood morning friends.
for the first time in my life, i'm a registered voter.
i know who i would like to see become our next president.
Electors are chosen by the popular vote of your state. Some states your vote for president wont really count. IE California Republican vote or a Texas Democrat.
That being said your vote does count for Sentate, House, State Senate, State House, on. So even if you dont get to pick the president your voice was heard.
There are 12 or so battleground states like:Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Virgina...etc Those contested states are really where your vote counts the most.
Really the best reason to vote is the right to Bitch, or the right to dont get either of these lovely rights without voting.
How Many Oz Apostates In The Ballarat/Melbourne/Victoria Area?
by brinjen incause i'm packing up, getting the hell out of darwin and moving down there in just under a week's time.
I am going to guess there are about 238.
Congrats on moving to a bigger city.
Realize that you wont know all the rules and that there is a learning curve. Most people start of datting in their mid teens and dont get married untill 10 years later. Id start with online dating. Go out to dinner or just coffee and go from there. At some point it is helpful to tell the other person that you are not used to doing this because you left a high control group. People admire people who overcome adversity, and they are more likely to cut you some slack if they know where you are coming from.
Good Luck, it wont be easy at first, but dont dispair.
Edit: I posted this with only your blank post. After two marriages you know about relationships. What do you find so hard about dating non JW men?
Femine supplies advice help needed
by jws ini'm divorced and i have a daughter who is nearly 11. last year she watched a video in school covering upcoming body changes (which she already knew about).
but one suggestion they gave that i didn't think of was to go get femine supplies and be prepared for when the time comes.
i like being prepared ahead of time for emergencies.
Someone will help you....I cant.
My fade has hit the fan!
by SophieG inhi guys!
well the caca hit the fan!
a friend asked me why i am leaving the org and i told her.
Hang in there Sophie. If you do run away in 6in heels id love to see it....(Am I bad?)