MOshe I think we should raise money to put up that billboard across from bethal next October.
Posts by Diest
Trying to handle my JW mom
by KatyMomof2 inmy mom is a recent widow.
she, being a jw does not have means to support herself and does not seek higher education ( because that would take from her studies ).
so, she is living ( sponging off of ) me.
Inside the Westboro Baptist Church - Anything Sound Familiar?
by Darth Rutherford ininteresting short interview with a wbc apostate.
i didn't realize they shun too - but, i'm not surprised..
This is a great Article by Libby, the woman in the video. She left the church and fights for equal rights.
KY. What? That was the real point of this post so I just went down to his level. We all know the poster. LOL
HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inlast week a friend of mine contacted me out of the blue asking if we could have lunch together.
my friend has been studing with the jw's on and off for about 11-12 years i think.
she has told me everytime i see her that she can't wait for jehovah to end this evil world...she can't wait for the new system...the end is so close....etc.. i sent her a message back telling her that i left the jw's and asked her if she had heard that.
That makes you an evangalist. Please send your time card into brother Outlaw so Muttley can complie the anti-witnessing report. Fee free to mark your friend down as a study.
Where to bury the heroic Tamerlan Tsarnaev
by Nathan Natas ini suggest he should be cremated and his cremains sprinkled over a pig farm, or better yet, several pig farms.. .
Just remember Beks, corporations are people too. Except they cant be jailed or put to death or face any real responsibility. I know it is off topic but i get your point. All it is, is a body burry it secretly and move on.
Trinity, Immortality of the soul, Hell fire... Homosexuality
by irondork inmost people here who have spent any amount of time studying the bible will agree that the bible allows for more than one interpretation of these topics.
well, the first three topics, anyways.. reading the gay marriage discussions on this board i see a common thread weaving its way through: no acknowledgement whatsoever that there is an equally valid interpretation of the bible that does not condemn homosexuality.. once in a while i will see the word trinity mentioned on this forum and no big deal is made of it (for the most part).
trinitarian and non-trinitarian teachings are accepted as variations of the christian understanding of the bible without any judgment being made regarding the genuineness of that person's christian identity or relationship with god.. mention the word homosexuality, and there is a huge difference in attitude.
Honestly when you bring up that ponit Irondork it feels like you are reaching. I dont believe in the bible and I am always intrigued by those who fall outside common interpretation yet want to be part of the group. All the scriptures I can think of describe husband and wife marriage. They also describe sex outside of marriage as fornication.
Let the christians have their bible and all of its silly teachings
Trinity, Immortality of the soul, Hell fire... Homosexuality
by irondork inmost people here who have spent any amount of time studying the bible will agree that the bible allows for more than one interpretation of these topics.
well, the first three topics, anyways.. reading the gay marriage discussions on this board i see a common thread weaving its way through: no acknowledgement whatsoever that there is an equally valid interpretation of the bible that does not condemn homosexuality.. once in a while i will see the word trinity mentioned on this forum and no big deal is made of it (for the most part).
trinitarian and non-trinitarian teachings are accepted as variations of the christian understanding of the bible without any judgment being made regarding the genuineness of that person's christian identity or relationship with god.. mention the word homosexuality, and there is a huge difference in attitude.
I was being a smartass up above. I can see the arguements made by Irondork, but I still have a quesrtion. I think the bible does talk about what sort of marriage the middle eastern 'God' wanted and I dont remember same sex marriage as being and option. So, even if homosexuality is not condemend by 'God' wouldnt homosexuals always be fornicators in a sex before marriage sense?
Trinity, Immortality of the soul, Hell fire... Homosexuality
by irondork inmost people here who have spent any amount of time studying the bible will agree that the bible allows for more than one interpretation of these topics.
well, the first three topics, anyways.. reading the gay marriage discussions on this board i see a common thread weaving its way through: no acknowledgement whatsoever that there is an equally valid interpretation of the bible that does not condemn homosexuality.. once in a while i will see the word trinity mentioned on this forum and no big deal is made of it (for the most part).
trinitarian and non-trinitarian teachings are accepted as variations of the christian understanding of the bible without any judgment being made regarding the genuineness of that person's christian identity or relationship with god.. mention the word homosexuality, and there is a huge difference in attitude.
God hates the gays! Thankfully he is immaginary so it doesnt matter what he thinks.
A recent discussion that had me stumped!
by Terry inokay--first off, i wasn't involved in the following conversation; i was eavesdropping!.
you know how it is when you happen to be in a public place.
you are minding your own business until you're not minding your own business.
LRG FTW(For the Win)
It really is that simple. Fulfilling a need that has no harm or limited harm to another person does not rise to to the level of doing harm to another for your own benifit.
The 265th Pope slithers off into retirement
by designs inhe now lives out of reach of the secular world's laws.
the pope emeritus spent part of his youth with the nazi leagues of his homeland.
he receives a 'retirment check' of about $3000.00 per month, which is the high end range of our social security system if you were a top earner and waited until 70 to collect.
I like getting burns all worked up. He like to yell bigotry like he doesnt attack other ideals. If hating all religions is bigotry I am proudly a bigot. Unlike you though, I am not a hypocrite. I have heard you attack many different groups in the past.