Patio34 - so glad you are with us hon.
My lightbulb moment came during a psychological emergency, while I was in the hospital for what ended up being 3 months. I had only two visits from the elders, and that was to say how great everyone else was doing. (meanwhile, I was dealing with childhood abuse issues, self-mutilation, divorce...) Just before I was released from the hospital, an elder showed up to tell me that from now on I was to rely on THEM, not on the worldly associates that had been caring for me during the past 3mths. (support groups etc) I lost it. I went ballistic. The brutal hypocrisy of saying they love you, and when something happens that they don't understand or care to, they ignore you, THEN have the audacity to TELL you to rely on them? HA! That was my lightbulb moment.