I see meaning as having two definitions. There is meaning that is somewhere far away, you have to reach to it. It is extrinsic.
Life is not meaningful to me in this first sense. And it is good that life is not meaningful in that sense, because then life becomes only a means to reach to the faraway goal, the faraway star. Then life loses its autonomous beauty. It is just a way, the real thing is tomorrow...this is the JW way of meaning.
Meaning has another category too:intrinsic. Life is tremendously meaningful in this second sense. Then meaning is not separate, somewhere else; then meaning is in the very living itself.
You don't ask, has love any meaning? You know love is itself meaningful, it is not a means to some end. You do not ask if the beauty of a rose is meaningful. The beauty itself is enough; it does not lead anywhere, it contains its meaning within itself.
I suggest that everything that is really valuable is always intrinsically meaningful. And life is equivalent to existence. Life has meaning. If you just change the word "life" into "living" you will be able to understand this more easily.
Sipping a cup of "Joe," taking my dog for a walk, playing on the computer, all these small things make up my living and each part, each moment of living, is meaningful to me. I just have to see it this way, otherwise who is going to experience the meaning?
Now, I admit that sometimes when I'm up to my ass in alligators I'm not thinking: this is life! LOL! I intellectually know that life is today and that I can die tomorrow but I still have a part of me that thinks life is coming down the road (oh, the joys of the new order...right, give me a break) and I project myself into the future, living there instead of now, but I know that searching for a meaning in the tomorrows is a lost cause.
So, I try to be present wherever I am. Location doesn't matter, just being present does, and every small act, by your presence, will become lighted up, and you will know that your whole life becomes a city of light. That's my meaning
Kind Regards,