When I made my exit two decades ago...I could hardly think of anything more satisfying than the complete and utter humiliation of the Society and then blowing thier headquarters to bits.
These irrational desires of course were fueled by my pain of losing my "life" and family and the resulting anger that comes from pain not being released.
After years have passed and having the pain and anger released through quality therapy...how do I feel now?
I think the most constructive fate for Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization would be for them to become anti-religionists and evolve a new constructive moral and belief system that celebrates life and self growth.
The suggestion of simply "clipping the wings" of the JW's by getting them to modify their stand on shunning, blood transfusions, etc. is both a gross injustice and contributes nothing towards a positive future for all its current and potential victims.
I say there are gross injustices done in the name of this religion that include thousands of deaths done in its name for everything from victims dying from not taking a blood transfusion to committing suicide. This doesn't even take into account all the broken families resulting from the shunning and the ideology of totalization they propogate. Even more disgusting is the millions of wasted lives and potential lost to a belief system that promotes anger, intolerance, and superority over others. This group has actually turned out to be the people they warned their members about!
If I were the judge...they would not get a light sentence. Each current JW would need to contribute the same amount of hours they spent in the ministry doing public service work or in going door to door and showing people how easy it is to be blinded by what we want to see instead of what is really there. They would also need to attend 3 meetings each week to learn how to undo the damage they did to themselves and work on creating a productive and responsible life.
For the Governing Body...they would have a special fate if I had my way. They would be condemned for the rest of their life to carry a large sign on both their front and back (much like the old place signs used by the Witnesses in street Witnessing years ago) that reads:
What has my religion done for mankind?NOTHING GOOD
All great deeds and all great thoughts have ridiculous beginnings--Albert Camus