YHWH destroyed the Jews temple twice, and took away the priesthood
for lesser crimes against His laws then that committed by the GB of the WT.
Why would God be subject to a mercantile org. that utilizes cultic techniques of control,
rather than thee "love of the christ?" Charged by "Jehovah":
1) False Prophets; so many wrong dates,
2) Take over of the Holy Place; non-partakers of the emblems have higher status
as elders in the congo's than anointed ones,
3) Men's laws; the Bible no longer defines God's word it's the WT's publications,
4) Babylon; they rode the UN Beast for 10 years,
5) Son's of Eli; they've protected their sex predatorily members,
6) Acceptance of cow's blood, the allowance to cannibalize others blood derivatives
and now instead of poring out the bull's blood for sacrifice partake of it too!
Yes, our Heavenly Creator finds them guilty according to the laws and regulations
of His Holy Testament, and the New Law according to The Christ!
The place to go is at home, that's where Jesus disciples meet.
That's where true worship is found, not in the temple of men's laws.
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