Our congregation has been instructed to make sure to separate them when we pick up our magazines so as not to place two at a time.
JoinedPosts by sickandtired
Who is supposed to do the "Separating Work" for the new magazines?
by nochoice inso, there is a bit of a fight going on in our hall between our pioneer sisters and our magazine servant.
since the new magazines are boxed with two issues together, there is a bit of work to be done separating them.
our magazine servant stacked them on the counter as usual, right out of the box.
Well we can shoot down one rumor - the 2013 district conventions are officially 3 days long...
by sir82 in...according to a letter to all boes dated 11/11/2012.. there is nothing new or different (or interesting!
) in the letter.
same stuff as has been covered over the past 20+ years.. .
My mother passed away this morning...
by Tatiana infor any old-school ex-jws here that remember my many posts about my abusive jw mother and my sister committing suicide because of it...she passed away this morning because she began to bleed out and refused a transfusion.
she had been in the hospital for a month.
it appears she suffered a stroke and wasn't found by the brothers & sisters for three days (they missed her at the meetings).
Are We the Only Life in this vast Galaxy?
by frankiespeakin in.
well i say the same condition for life evolving are relatively repeated over and over again in perhpas billions of solar systems with different combinations of chemical reactions producing all kind of self replicating molecules not just carbon based or dna based.
many stars having a much earlier formation and intelligent life much more before our earth was formed billions of years ago.. .
I've had conversations with my hubby on this topic. I say HOW THE HECK can you say there isn't other life out there? JWs are taught that because of the issue of universal sovereignty being played out on this planet, there couldn't be life on other planets. Pfffft. My husband says Jehovah created this vast universe with countless billions of stars and who knows how many other planets so that they could be for ours and the angels enjoyment. That is, IMO ridiculous. To say that we are the only planet that has life in this mind-bogglingly vast universe is so small-minded. Hubby won't consider the possibility because it messes with his Watchtower view. Can't have that, can we?
Questions/Points That Went Unanswered
by Still Recovery ini would like to use this thread as a means of organizing all unanswered questions/points made on threads i started since obviously i could not answer something when i was banned..
Thinking of becoming a JW.
by Kate82 inhi,.
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
Hi, Kate! Welcome to the forum. I am an elder's wife and currently an active Witness. I came to this forum because of a feeling that I had that something wasn't quite right with my religion. There are many good things about this religion and things I feel they have right- friends that are like family, a sense of stability and structure and morality. The bad thing is though, this religion will make a person feel like they are in a mental prison...once you start questioning things, you aren't allowed to express your doubts or questions without looking like you're attacking "the Slave" (essentially the Governing Body - the ones who make the rules for all Witnesses). The pressure is more intense for those who are expected to be the examples (like my elder husband and me). There are those that enjoy that intense form of structure and having all your questions answered for you and wrapped up in a pretty little box with a neat bow on top. I started feeling depression and anxiety because of all the expectations laid upon me. I am an introvert and very much like keeping to myself a lot of the time. I am a 'live and let live' type of person. That doesn't jive well with the Witness personality. Right now, I'm stuck pretending because my family is deep into the Witness mindset and if I stopped being a Witness, I'd lose them for sure. That right there tells you there is something wrong with this religion.
Think carefully and look at things from all sides. Don't let anyone pressure you. It's your decision and your life.
To answer your questions:
Witnesses cannot smoke, but they CAN drink alcohol, but moderation is emphasized. Sex outside of marriage is considered a sin. Smoking, over drinking and sex outside of marriage can lead to disfellowshipping (shunning). Saying "bless you" is frowned upon by Witnesses (like when you sneeze, a Witness won't say it since they consider it superstitious) and Witnesses don't say grace either. The word 'grace' has been replaced with 'undeserved kindness' in our New World Translation. It's just another thing to set us apart from "Christendom" (what Jehovah's Witnesses say to refer to all the other Christian religions). We do pray, however. Before meals, bedtime, at meetings, etc.
My brother died tonight
by poppers injust got word that my youngest brother died of pancreatic cancer.
he was diagnosed in early august.
this has been really tough for me and my family..
My first own thread on here. Woken up and still in :(
by Gefangene ini have been around in this forum a lot but haven't written much yet.. also i had a more or less rude awakening when i realized that the religion i grew up with, the religion i sacrificed a lot for and considered to be the 'truth' is nothing but mere bs.
it's quite a brick to digest.. my parents both are jws, elder and pioneer.
very good people but also very brainwashed.
Do You Ever Doubt Your Efforts Are Futile?
by Elephant in...hello folks.... ...i've read countless of posts, ideas, opinions, etc here and i'm interested in your response.... ...there is a whole gamut of feelings here from individuals that are simply annoyed with the wt organization, to those that come off as hellbent on putting the org out of comission.... ...others yet seem to have made it their mission in life to eradicate the concept of god himself.... ...to any of these, what is your motivation?
and do you ever doubt that these efforts are futile?
do you feel that you posses the power/ability/means to change the convictions/faiths of the masses?
I know I come here because I need to reaffirm I'm not crazy when I have a WTF?! moment at something said at the Hall or written in one of the WT publications. I can't tell my husband or Witness friends and family my concerns. Tried that with my husband and it started out with him saying, "It's okay to ask questions. There are no secrets in this organization." to "You're not going to get all the answers to your questions. Only Jehovah knows. Wait on him." to "Why are you so negative and so cynical?". That effectively ended my voicing anymore concerns about Witness beliefs or the Bible itself. Coming here is where I find that I'm not alone. There are others like me. That is a relief and helps me not go crazy. I probably would go crazy too since I'm so isolated from the real world and have very little contact with "unbelievers".
This whole organization is living in a fantasy world of their own making. I can't take how everyone is so smug about their possession of truth and how the whole world is in darkness. Witnesses act like they have all the answers. It's easy to have all the answers when the questions are asked for you. Once anyone starts asking questions outside of the usual, you stop getting answers and Witnesses start getting dismissive and accusatory (Who are you to question God?! You should be more humble!).
Why would God give us a book that is supposed to be so essential to follow and not make it more clear, more concise and more direct as what is required? JWs would have you believe that the Bible is clear. Sure, it's clear on some things. Don't murder and steal, etc. But if there was supposed to be a group of people living on a paradise earth forever, you'd think that Jesus would've expounded on that a little more than he did.
Sorry for going on and on. I just get so frustrated. End of rant.
Captain America and The Avengers!
by Cold Steel indoes the wts oppose movies such as thor, captain america, and the avengers on the basis of thor/loki's godhood and captain america's patriotic bent?
or do they let artistic license slide for such movies?.
how about super hero movies in general?.