This is a "proud to be an apostate board", now what was your question?
Posts by moman
Seeking a friend
by shalott indear friends,.
i am 25, married (his name is james), and i have a 6-month old son.
i am looking for an online friend.
How to Ruin Your Family and Children
by metatron in1. teach your children that everyone they know that isn't a witness.
- baby sitters, teachers, policemen, the kind old lady who gave.
them a dollar for ice cream - are wicked, led by satan and will.
Meta, I think I'll print that one out!
God they are ASS-HOLES!
This is why THE BORG MUST DIE!!!!!
Why is 'women bashing' allowed on this board?
by wholewheat inthere is a poster on this board with the moniker 'd8ta' that has called a female poster a 'bitch' and another female poster a 'whore' and yet you men let him get away with it.
this is disgusting!
is this what leaving jehovah does to people?
OK, Buckwheat, here is a TEST:
When the Rev. Mr.Jessee Jackson was questioned about getting his aide pregnant, he said,
"I shoulda used a bag on da ho."
Do you think that is SEXIST?
Nitpicking the JW Brotherhood
by IslandWoman inthe jw brotherhood is composed of people.
you know people right?
people are the ones we work with, the ones we live next to, the ones we share this planet with.
Thats the same thing they said about the followers of: Jim Jones, David Koresh, Mormans, Moonies, etc., etc..
Its the same SCAM, just different PLAYERS!
News in KM , dfd,
by happy man in.
we have a bigg artikel in km abot our wuie on how to treat them in diffrent situations, not so much new things, but they confirm this harder treatment on dfd, as we have 1981.. not so happy for this, i think it is a bigg misstake to dont take this occasion to change to some more loving wuie.i can not follow why they do like this perhaps they are draw this to the end of the lione, but who are take the punnish for this, if not the averge jw, who i think dont like this so very much.. so i can not follow who they think, perhaps we have wolfs among us, who hurt ther members.. .
outlaw, you nailed
Why do they go back?
by zenpunk ini always hear at least two stories a year about someone i know who's left the "truth" goes back despite the trauma surrounding their departure.
this morning i heard yet another story.
a few years ago and elder's wife in my former uk congregation abruptly left the organization, surprising everyone and getting a big df in the process.
Its more like the, "Shawshank Redemption Syndrome", like trained-monkeys they want to go back to whats familiar!
Voyeur gets women to bare breasts for satellite
by ashitaka invoyeur gets women to bare breasts for satellite .
(filed: 28/06/2002) .
four women have contacted police after being persuaded to stand topless in their windows or balconies so that a satellite could give them a mammogram.. the women, aged between 19 and 45, living in the algarve, southern portugal, were all contacted by telephone by a woman claiming to be a doctor.. she told them that a revolutionary method had been developed of conducting breast examinations by satellite.. they were told that the consultation would be free if they followed instructions by stripping to the waist and standing in view of the satellite.. one woman was so trusting that she took off all her clothes for the "examination".. later, the women were telephoned with the alleged results of the examinations.
Did I here there was a prostate exam via satellite soon?
How could have Rutherford been a 'drunk'?
by wholewheat ini feel that the apostate's claims that rutherford was a drunk to be far fetched.
on the one hand, they claim that he was so drunk that the brothers at bethel shipped him to san diego to beth sarim, where he stayed drunk out of his mind, then on the other hand, they claimed that he ruled the society with an iron fist, that he was a dictator.
no drunk could have ruled the society like a dictator.
Come on, Rutherfords nick-name was:
"Booze Rutherford" lol
by Mary ini think it's time bethel got a new sign out front, one that really speaks volumes and is far more suitable to their "read god's word the bible daily.
i was thinking: .
oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
by Mary ini think it's time bethel got a new sign out front, one that really speaks volumes and is far more suitable to their "read god's word the bible daily.
i was thinking: .
oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!
How about:
God does not live in hand made temples, just BIG HIGHRISES!