April, you are needed & wanted!
We have all been there in some way.
november 26 was my birthday.
i missed having people say happy birthday like they do when they know someone here is another year older.. minimus started a thread a while back, when i was here for a few days, about what this board means and if you thought the people here were your friends.
i've been here a while, and have told some of my stories to you, but i haven't been totally honest.
April, you are needed & wanted!
We have all been there in some way.
my youngest son brought this article to my attention.
very, very interesting.
it was in the seattle pi, yesterday, december 2.. student risks ire of mormons.
Mulan, how about those "golden tablets" Joe Smith found, what a hoot!
miraculous, the world of spirit and the nature of consciousness.
it is a realm not.
limited by simple reductionism or the tendency to see life as nothing more than random.
As to the Borg,"...........inside they are full of DEAD MENS BONES"!
do you still hope to live forever?
The plains Indians (Lakota, I think) said the white men suffered from a, Pathetic hope, & what was that hope?
That they,the whites, thought they would be happy, if they were rich & famous.
the calcium factor amazon reviews .
i have been blessed and directed by spirit to discover a miraculous cure for debilitating disease and the negative effects of old age.. pleae read the reviews of the book "calcium factor" for a detailed explanation .. the answer to living a long life of 100+ years in good health is explained by doctor barefoot as mega doses of calcium at least 3 or more times the officially recommended daily requirement.
you can find drug store brands as i did of oyster shell calcium (qty 300- 500mg tablets) for about $20) i have been taking 6 to 10 tablets daily for about two weeks now and already am a completely changed man.
Eat right, stay fit....................die anyway.
oprah is on at 4 pm here, so i will tape it and watch it.
i want to see how honest they are with the big o and if they "thank jehovah" for being there!
freedom96, are you serious with this statement?
"However, that being said, I am in favor of anyone who has talent to go out there and be the best they can be. Lets just not be hypocritical in the process."
The Williams sisters are great tennis players, but they had some crazy upbringing!
The father, who rules with an iron-hand(beats the wife now & then),moves them to the ghetto so they can learn tennis while ducking gang gunfire, this to tuffen them up. The emother is a Dub, drags them to the meetings where they stand out as freeks. The father tells them they are the best in the world & to go-for-it,and the Borg tells them its bad. All the while everyone is diggin the $$$$$$$$ and you don't want them to be hypocritical,lol.
fyi...in case no one else has posted this.
the williams sisters are going to be on oprah today....wonder if they'll do any "national witnessing".
judging by the commercials for the show, they must be setting new trends in proper dress for jw's.
Hmmm, Serena gave out her e-mail address on TV, so no harn done.
fyi...in case no one else has posted this.
the williams sisters are going to be on oprah today....wonder if they'll do any "national witnessing".
judging by the commercials for the show, they must be setting new trends in proper dress for jw's.
Got to know the Williams sisters fairly well when when I was a Dub, about 3 yrs. ago. The sisters would come to the meetings (fashionably late of course) with their multi-colored beads & had quite an attitude. They, including mom, took part in the school & were somewhat entertaining because they always seemed to be laughing inside. Their attitude came off as arrogant to most, but they were always nice to me & my wife.
After leaving the cult, I tried to enlighten the girls via e-mail, so far no luck. I hate to see the Borg get some of their $$$$$
By the way Serena's e-mail is [email protected]
how many innocent people have died on the borg's altar of insanity with the prohibition of blood?
now they are trying to weesel out of it, no more blood cards, a de-emphasis on the whole issue of blood, the cowerdly bastards!.
this is a powerful litmus test as to their level of brain-washing, the death of hundreds or thousands & little, if any outcry.. well, i guess if you are calling yourself a sheep?.
Francois, arn't they sum COWERDLY LITTLE MEN?
how many innocent people have died on the borg's altar of insanity with the prohibition of blood?
now they are trying to weesel out of it, no more blood cards, a de-emphasis on the whole issue of blood, the cowerdly bastards!.
this is a powerful litmus test as to their level of brain-washing, the death of hundreds or thousands & little, if any outcry.. well, i guess if you are calling yourself a sheep?.
I am not saying that the Borg will not issue new blood cards, but they are dragging their feet on the new ones. The question is why? They came up with some lam-o excuse about a printing problem, my guess is that they are frightened about lawsuits, pending & ongoing, so what do they do.....weesel out slowly, just fade away, the COWERDLY BASTARDS!