Sunbeam and Flower,
I will address both of you if you don't mind. I really don't think it is my place to say why a person does a certain thing, because we can never really know. If we start getting into this discussion too deeply I am afraid the points I was trying to make may get lost. My basic post on this subject I said it may sound extreme, but if you think about it you can see why I came to this conclusion. There are many things that I had to abanddon when I started on my journey, and one of them was thinking with emotions. Again another extreme statement, yet our feelings may guide us in a direction that is not always the most logical.
I had to look at things differently and in doing so I came to my own conclusions. Now I will ask you just a few basic questions. You don't have to answer here, but may if you wish. As I said I am not judging your character or intentions.
A person is saved at the age of 17, he lives a christian lifestyle for 4 years, then turns away from it. He steals, lies, and murders another human. Do you feel that his salvation has been won? He will go to heaven? Why or why not?
A pastor in your church is found to have commited adultry. How will the church handle that? If he decides to leave the church with this woman and never return, is his spot in heaven reserved? What if he goes to another church and preaches there?
A woman kills her own child, then she comes to church and is saved. She has no remorse about killing her child, even bragging about it. She claims she is saved and god has forgiven her because she was imperfect, yet she still feels she was right in killing her own child. Will this woman still go to heaven?
There are so many scenarios that can be played out. Nobody can say what is in a persons heart. But imo if you accept God as your creator, you are accountable to a certain extent to him. It is not enough that you believe Jesus payed for your sins. You must maintain a christian lifestyle according to his laws in order to recieve your reward.
Sunbeam I said before I know the love you feel and you feel it is a reflection of God's love for you. I have no problem with that, I thought the same way myself. What I want you to rememeber is that I was a christian, I know what you will say next so to speak lol If you look at it standing outside of the box, you can see why I came to the conclusions I did.
I really did not mean any harm or infer anything bad when I made those comments. And I hope that you weren't offended by it.
When I leave, you will know I have been here