You almost had me in tears there for a sec. As I said, I have been there, maybe that is why I recognized it in your post. This internet thingy is way cool, yet it can cause us a handful of problems as well. I am fairly new to the internet(Dec 2000) and this site is the first one I found when I jumped online. It was really small and cosy when I first got here, and some even said it was too slow if you can imagine that. We had maybe 5 threads a day and if a newbie came we all greeted with earnest *fresh meat* Actually Waiting handed out the coffee and asked them to bring Krispy Kremes. If this person was only here to hurt we all usually picked up on it and they soon left knowing this wasn't the place for that.
Since that time we have G-R-O-W-N which in itself is wondeful, imagine how many are able to find a place to ease thier pain and discuss issues that only an ex-dub will understand. Yet with this there is a greater risk of letting the imposters infiltrate. This is a perfect place for a very sick individual to "get their rocks off" I was leary for quite some time after I had a few run ins with certain sickos. I thought I had grown cynical, my worst fear lol But I realized I had just grown. I found that I had to reveal myself slowly to others here and trust is not something you can give to a computer screen, and type written words.
There are many here who are "real" and kind hearted, great friends, and trustworthy. It will take you time to sort through the many here and find who they are. My email is open and you can write me anytime, I will respect your privacy and hope to get to know you a bit better. I am not online as much as before. And in a few weeks, when my baby boy arrives, I am sure you will never see me But there is a real life outside this forum and I would be happy to give you my number as well.
As far as reading COC you are braver than I, I am too scared to read it. There are so many emotions we have dealing with the org, and I am afraid the book will bring out my anger mode, pssst we don't want that Good luck with finishing it, and if you need to, take a break from reading it and come back in a few days, weeks, months. Taking the book and the forum on at the same time is liable to push anyone over the edge. Way too much info and pain to bear.
I am glad you had a good night. And the best thing to do when upset here is turn it off. Walk away, take deep breaths, but do try to come back to resolve what needs to be. The unsettled feeling can't be a good one, and if you leave in anger you carry it with you. ((((hugs)))