I did not like it one bit, as I am a shy person by nature, and did not like speaking to people I did not know in the first place. And adding the stress that you know that they hate JW's.... It wasn't my cup of tea.
JoinedPosts by Lapuce
Do you remember the first time you opened your bible in front of someone
by JH ini remember when i became a jw, i was almost ashamed to bring my bible around and open it and read verses to people and friends who weren't jw.. i felt that they would think i'm weird..... .
Did You Ever Find The "Truth" Was Ever " Exciting"???
by minimus inafter reading the thread by truthseeker regarding the district convention, and realizing that they were trying to tell people, especially young ones, that the "truth" is "exciting", i just had to ask you, did you ever feel that the "truth" was "exciting"?
i never ever did..
Yes I too got excited my some of the sisters.... Thats about it the rest made me fall asleep!
by HappyDad inmy foot tastes kind of nasty......like the recent response i made to a post about "sexual positions" (what is sex?
) it is a done deal and i apologize for it as i have done at other times here.. ok.....i'm done with my apology......i have salved my conscience.
ok.......you get my point.
Great going.... I have 2 myself, planning on getting a third one later this summer.
Social Anxiety Disorders
by Thinking of Leaving inhi everyone, the guy i'm currently dating suffers from social phobia and it's beginning to affect our relationship.
does anyone have any experience dealing with this?
i have to admit this is all new to me, most of the guys i've dated are pretty normal, but this one seems to need some extra care.
My shrink that I see actually told me that my social phobia was caused by all the events being a JW. I am in treatment now.... It helps alot... I know that if you do get the right help it will go away.
If you could repeat your life.
by DJK insorry for the edit.
this may have been a topic before.. i got the idea for this from crumpets thread "if i could make your dreams come true what would they be?".
i have been asked many times "if i could go back in my life and change it, what would i do?
I would have never married a JW and I would have done the things I wanted to do, I would probally one of those people that live backpacking across Europe and Asia....
When a DFed anointed one get reinstated..............what happens ??????
by vitty ini have just found out that an appointed member of a congregation i know has been dfed for drinking, this person has had a problem for years but her daughter dobbed her in................anyway i was wondering what happens if she gets reinstated, will she still be one of the anointed or has she lost her crown.
It really makes us of the great crowd feel not worthy enough as we were not picked... Another fine example of christian love....
Does Being A Jehovahs Witness Lead To Disorders?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-size: 18px; font-family: arial; } .style3 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; } .style4 { font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; } .style5 {color: #ff0000} .style6 {font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-style: italic; } --> does being a jehovahs witness lead to disorders?the life of being one of jehovahs witnesses was a challenging one at best .
and an agonizing one at worst.
i recall the days of my black depression .
Well for me it made go on anti-depressants, atempted suicide 3 time and I was sent in the pyscho ward at 2 different times for a few weeks. I divorced and remarried the same women after a 4 year seperation. And today I am now happy one bit, yes I have a house and two lovely boys, but I am a now emotionaly troubled ever since, I was DA then re-instated now inactive for almost 2 years, and thinking that at 40 I don't want to stay in a house where my wife continues with witnessing and not wanting to have a normal life. So that is what I became of all of the WT bull that was feed into me. I wasted 13 years of my life...
Remember When The Watchtower Was Printed on Paper?
by Nosferatu inah, those were the good ol' days.
you could underline with a pen and the paper wouldn't rip.
you would pinch the paper between your fingers and feel like you're holding a piece of paper instead of a tissue.
Well I can use it as toilet paper now......:)
The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized inthe tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace.
i just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour.
global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease.
Does this mean I can go on a spending spree, and fill all of my credit cards???
Albums, Tapes, or Videos You Had to Throw Away?
by WTWizard inthere are so many songs that the watchtower society says are "bad".
they are the ones that hint on sexual immorality, violence, drugs, or that have reference to devil worship.
or the ones that have swearing in them, which seems to be common these days.. what really gets me is how they find such petty things wrong with songs that they basically want to clean out your whole library and make you listen to kingdumb s*** all the time.
Well my wife wanted me to throw out my adult movies....:(