Welcome and hope that you will comfort here like many of us Oredigger!
good evening all,.
i'm ashamed to say i have lurked here for a couple of years without having the courage to jump in.. the insight i have found in these posts has done much to heal the broken hearted.. there is no one that can truly understand this particular experience this without living it.. i was raised in the lower mainland of bc., i will share my own experience as courage will alow.. sincere thanks to all of you for helping me to heal and understand that i am not all by myself.
Welcome and hope that you will comfort here like many of us Oredigger!
I guess I'm disqualified, I eat too many frozen meals, lol...
i would love to meet up with anyone from the greater toronto area.
right now really being shunned, just left and need some support.. thanx, would mean more than you know.
I too plan to go to T.O. this fall to meet my sister there, I'll try to shedual it at the same time as an XJW meet that way I can meet a few others and put a face on the names...
the elders have received my da letter.
i was going to post it but they didnt have a mail box so i decided to hand it in personally.
i headed off to the kh after the meeting had started.
Congrats on your whole new life...
five kinds of sex .
1) the first is smurf sex.
this happens during the honeymoon, you both keep doing it until you're blue in the face.
Not much sex
i was wondering how many men here let their beard grow, when they decided to quit the organization.
since having a beard in the jw's is not permitted, it would seem appropriate to let one's beard grow just to show that we don't go by their rules anymore.
maybe for others it was growing a mustache or maybe shaving their head.. did you change your "look" right after leaving the organization?.
Well for me I got pierced and just three days ago got a tattoo, actually I'll post a photo of it sometime soon as it shows a sad angel attached to the word Jehovah in hebrew its very nice. I also had a goatee too, I shaved it off recently and also completely shaved my head.
Well true that Jesus wore skirts he also had a beard, how come that wearing a beard is bad then by the watchtower standards??? Jesus did so why can't we since we are following his example???
hey folks, just thought i'd let you all in on a little bit of some local toronto happenings here.
this weekend: august 9, 10, and 11th, is toronto's annual beer festival.
it's located on the historic fort york site (bathurst & lakeshore blvd.).
Well I hope to have known earlier of this I would have went to toronto for the weekend, as my sister lives there I could have met some of you guys for the first time....
say it isn't so: http://www.standonguard.com.
i think i may be coming down with beaver fever...
Hey us Canuks are real leaders here are two of my favorites I elect these two the Mackenzie Brothers to represent us:
And besides we have great beer too...
after every sentence, say "man" in a really bad jamaican accent.
at the end of a meeting, suggest that for once it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem.
babble incoherently at a fellow employee then ask "did you get all that, i don't want to have to repeat it"
I guess that my days at the office will be more fun now that has given me a few ideas to annoye all these people. I really got a kick from those Yiz.
Cruzanheart, yes already did the pizza thingy call at work it has brought me a few laughs.