Metallica seek and destroy has to be their greatest artwork.
Posts by dm6
Going to see an guy raised as a JW in concert, what should I do?
by EntirelyPossible inthis kills me.
i am going to see the big 4 (metallical, megadeth, slayer and anthrax) in concert in ny next month, i just found out dave mustain, the founding guitarist and only permanent member, the guy that was kicked out of metallica for partying too hard, was rasied a jw.. i am answering my own question.
party like a motherf*cker and try not to drink myself to death is what i should do.. i just thought it was hilarious.
by 00DAD inwhat does the watchtower really teach?
i have been developing a list of wt doctrines/beliefs that are plainly in opposition to clear, simple scriptural teachings/ideas.
these could be used to clarify important questions and address key topics for discussion.
The WT$ has effectively undone the corrections Christ made and reverted back to the things he felt needed to be corrected. Interestingly, it has resulted in the same Pharisaic structure that Christ himself attempted to break down. In this respect they have proved to be the "antichrist" . . . no question.
Sizemik - wow. nicely said there bro.
I like you ending on that, the antichrist. Check out 2nd John 1:7 and tell me that doesn't relate to the WT$/JWs
by mosesimon ini saw god {jehovah},after& like moses,i saw jesus,jesus & god coming soon visit my website & know how can i saw god and jesus, god's message,miracles, about me, i am the eye witness how god is.
i am from chennai, india.keep in touch..know god's message.
....moses simon.g.
You've only got a few seconds...
by Qcmbr init's a convention, for some reason you are now up on stage with the mic, the auditorium falls silent awaiting your inspirational thoughts, no one knows you no longer believe, amidst the crowd are many close friends and direct family.
you will never, ever get another chance like this, this is a life changing opportunity.
you will have maybe 10 seconds before they cut the mike.
As much as we would all like to fantasize about this scenario that you have written, I would bet that 99% of people here given that opputunity wouldn't say anything untoward, but the 1 %, the very few who would say something would something to the effect of:
Good evening brothers and sisters, Thankyou for attending the District Convention tonight.
As you all know, the governing body sheds new light for all of us, and we have some extraordinary new light.
We are told on this day, that before the end of the world comes we must all purchase a book called crisis of consciense by Raymond Franz.
Those who have not yet read this material, may be destroyed at armageddon by our loving Jehovah, because there is vital information That is life saving.
Thankyou that is all.
Im also willing to bet Outlaw is in that 1%
EDit: And maybe shamus, cheeky monkey.,,,,
I wish I was dead ...
by talesin in.
not much to follow that .... day-umn, life is hard sometimes .... .
feel free to encourage me ... i need it.. .
talesin - I know how you feel, i really do. I have been there not just once but many many times, even to the point where i carried out suicide twice and ended up in intensive care and a nuthouse.
The light gets brighter it honestly does. I occasionally get bouts of depression and it is really a horrible thing to live with. So i do understand how you feel.
How about telling us a little more about why you say this? You may PM me if you like, i will be a friend if you need one right now.
Hang in there, and trust me when i say, dont overthink.
Jesus didn't come for one specific reason, it was a few reasons.
He came to save us from our sin, he died on the cross for that.
He came not to call the do gooders, but to call sinners.
He came to perform miracles so that people would beileve.
And various other things...
First post, so Hey Everyone!
by thinking_1 injust thought i'd introduce myself.
i've been lurking for a few months and want to get in on some of the conversation.. also here's a song that's taken on a new personal meaning for me.
(i was born in to a witness family and have recently woke up to the fact that it is just a group of people following just men.
Stick around for a while... its fun here.
Study with the Johovah, Witnesses
by Mary k ini have a friend who wants me to do bible study with him,my bible is not good enough for him and tells me i have the wrong icture.please help me..
you have no idea what you are about to get into..... I would RUN AWAY.
AS FAR AS POSSIBLE!!!! Dont be fooled by the nice smiles and falseness!
NY rabbi ascribes earthquake to gay activism
by behemot innew york city's rabbi yehuda levin, who recently blamed the murder of an eight year-old boy on the passage of same-sex marriage, says that yesterday's earthquake expressed god's great disgust with gay activism.
"one of the reasons that god brings earthquakes to the world is because of the transgression of homosexuality.
the talmud states, 'you have shaken your male member in a place where it doesn't belong.
I like how people blame God for natural disasters.
And that guy sounds like a real know it all. God creates earthquakes because of homosexuality.
Someone get him a doctor.
Living as a gay Jehovah's Witness - My Story!
by TimothyT in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
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it wasn't a feeling of rebellion; it was the feeling of love and care i desired.
Well Done timmy. i am very happy for you. You have an excellent amount of courage to do what you did and it is commendable. Your parents must love you dearly to be how they are. Some peoples parents disown them.