WOW Finallysomepride.....NICE POST...........!
I am in New Plymouth, you should never have left! Its awesome here! Voted the best place to live in the world!
21 days to go!.
whos looking forward to it?.
any kiwis here on this board?.
WOW Finallysomepride.....NICE POST...........!
I am in New Plymouth, you should never have left! Its awesome here! Voted the best place to live in the world!
here is one i am listening to:.
EDIT POST: Awwwww JK beat me to it lol, check out adam lamberts version, i thought he did remarkabky well.
i have seldom given money to beggars.
i have often thought that many are people who just do not want to work.
however, i am starting to wonder if i ought to: and how much to give?.
i actually used to do this on a regular basis.
It made me feel good knowing i have helped some poor fellow begging for his survival.
This one guy would be out all day begging, but he looked so clean cut. I ignored it and always had a chat gave him some cash about 5 or ten pounds a time, and say god bless you and be on my way.
Turns out this guy had money already coming in from the welfare system, and his begging was basically his job.
I felt cheated knowing there are people who genuinely need that 5 pound to last them as long as possible, as opposed to this guy who probably spent it on a beer or a bet down the local bookies.
I havent given money away since, but thats actually because i havent seen any beggars since.
New Zealand is such a clean country who look after there own.
21 days to go!.
whos looking forward to it?.
any kiwis here on this board?.
Under two weeks to go!
Size r u going to any matches bro??
i haven't been on here much over the year.
posting a couple of times, here and there.
anyways, that doesn't matter.
Spending the night with japanese identical twins.
I think i will have to second that.
i have noticed that when ppl drink usually say things that wont otherwise .... according to your opinion and experience , drunk ppl usually tell the truth about their feelings about some situations?.
A nice drink or two is great. Getting drunk is horrible.
Someone hasn't lived....
just wait for armageddon, that will be shemales being marrieds....fault.
you couldn't make it up.
see today's wt .
9 eldersonregionalbuildingcommittees and relief committees work hard to help the brothers.
How wonderful it is, that the faithful and discreet slaves have provided us with circuit overseers!
How grateful we are, then, to the FDS!!
How loving it is, of Jehovah!
Urghhh i hate it when they talk in this cringe worthy way.
i have noticed that when ppl drink usually say things that wont otherwise .... according to your opinion and experience , drunk ppl usually tell the truth about their feelings about some situations?.
i like to get drunk.
i have been studying with jw's.
they seem to have a lot of truth but i have come across a lot of conflicting information about them.
i want the best for my family and i and want to get closer to god.. any advice?.
As many ex Jws here will back me up on this one, and take it from people who have been there done that got the tshirt for many many many many many years of their lives, Crisis of Conscience is a book to read! By raymond franz, a former governing body member of the WT$.
To begin with, you will be love bombed by these people into making you beileve it really is so called 'truth'
Dont waste your life, you will be indoctrinated, brainwashed and a bible study (which they call it) is NOT a bible study at all.
They use a book called what does the bible really teach. And any answer you give to a question if it is not in line with their teachings, they will tell you it is the wrong answer and correct you to what they beileve.
When you answer questions from this book with them and you answer them in line with their teachings from the book, they will tell you it is correct.
It is an indoctrination process, NOT a bible study.
Also, their bible which they cliam is the most accurate translation of the holy scriptures, is in fact FAR from it.
They have tampered with the bible to suit their own teachings.
Do not be misled!
Read 2ndJohn 1:7.