Topics Started by red21
JW Quirks
by snare&racket inwere you ever told......... .
women have one less rib,.
the human skin is made mostly of dust,.
Book study potlucks/treat-nights/ice cream soicals, etc.
by Joliette indid any of you guys have these at your book study?.
Reference Needed - WT instruction in regard to medical privacy
by donuthole ini need help with a reference.
there was a watchtower article (or km?
) that talked about how a christian working for a hospital should act if they found out that another christian in the congregation had questionable medical treatment (an abortion?).
Overlapping generation segment on the new Circuit Assembly program
by traveb inso there i was at the circuit assembly sunday morning with my eyes glazed over as usual when all of a sudden, bam!
a demo with two brothers talking about the new overlapping generation teaching.
the reason it took me by surprise was because it occured during the second talk of the sunday morning symposium, "sanctify god's name by your speech".
Nov.15th WT - Quotes Dissing - Internet, Higher Education, Earning a Living
by flipper inas most of us here are aware the wt society is using the " kool-aid " , or witness only version as i call it - to indoctrinate and intimidate jw members through fear and guilt to avoid anything that takes their devotion and attention away from allegiance to the wt society's ambitions.
so the wt society is amping up it's control methods once again in various articles in this issue as well.. first off - notice this quote from page 14 , paragraph 16 , regarding how " dangerous " allegedly the internet is.
it states, " these desires ( of the world ) involve such things as promiscuity, prominence , and possessions.
Witnesses Ban gambling using no Scriptures only stupid's greedy! What?
by Witness 007 inthere is no scripture that ever said "thou shall not gamble.
" the bible never mentions gambling.
yet it's a disfellowshiping sin.
How many of you haven't fared too well since your exit?
by i_drank_the_wine ini know that i've had a hard time piecing things back together after losing my wife and family a couple years ago and haven't really gotten the ball rolling to say the least.
just curious to hear if anyone else is in the same boat, or was in the same boat and how long it took them to get a "new life" figured out and going..
New Strategy?? Any thoughts?
by El Nunya inrecently i have received notes/letters with tracts enclosed from jw's.
they are coming from a kingdom hall i wasn't affiliated with, and from people i don't know.
i have been disassociated since 1996. but these letters are addressed to me (name spelled correctly with current address).
Well the dirty piece of trash got off.
by sooner7nc in .
by Simon in(the david bowie song in case you're wondering).
there seems to be a lot of talk and speculation about the changes that are coming at the next district conventions.
there have certainly been quite a few articles and talks (esp.