Excerpt from my conversation with an Elder
Elder : Isn't it wonderful that we are the only one fulfilling this command of Jesus christ recorded at John 13 :35, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” No any other organisation exhibit the christlike love that we display.
Me: Thats true, but we are not perfect.
Elder : Compare with the catholic clergy and many Christendom clergies who bless soldiers going to war and these may even end up killing their members in the destination country.
Me: Even nowadays, in so many congregations, there are frictions amongst brothers and sisters and some may even keep malice for years. Gossip spread around in the congregation, especially after some special announcements and those practises hinder the peace of the congregation.
Elder : Of course, it is normal, we are imperfect and satan the devil is at war with God’s people. So, he uses every tool at his disposal to threaten our peace. But in general, the degree of love we show cannot be matched. We have peace with God and it is clearly evident among us. Could you imagine the prompt direction from the GB to provide relief for brothers in Haiti and other disaster-plagued country. We even built houses for brothers and sisters in those situations. Could the priest in Rome direct the catholic members in the US to volunteer for its members in Haiti?, No, Never. They are alien from each other.
Me: Thats interesting, but there are some other organisations, like political organisations and volunteers worldwide who have also rally round these victims and they had no spiritual connections.
Elder : But, they have selfish motives, they may be boosting their record to enrich their CV.
Me: No matter what their motive might be, the deed was performed, love was shown and result was accomplished.
To be continued ..............
Do you think the elder was balanced in his views? Please offer your comments