I'm SO with you night owl!
I was shocked and amazed at the ignorance on this board when it came to the spirit world. People for the most part have been nice to me on here but a few were absolute smartasses whenever I mentioned spirits or demons. I've (like many MANY people) seen things with my own eyes so I know there are things we cannot see. I actually think that being a JW has made alot of people on this board turn against anything that they taught, and I can see why, alot that people have been through with this BS organization has made them bitter and I understand but on the spirit issue, so many are so wrong and I actually think it's sad. Because when you've seen things happen with your own eyes- a chair moved across the room untouched- for instance, then you KNOW that in that regard, the JW's were RIGHT ON. (Even if they are way off on almost everything else)