It's not bickering and complaining all day. It's called debating. Sometimes we may bicker yes, but have you ever been in on an Elder's meeting or a Governing Body meeting? Doubt it.
Point being, we feel we were really hurt and betrayed for being lied to and controled, so forgive us if that leaves us a bit bitter. Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult, plain and simple. Once you realize everything you were ever told about growing old and death and life is all wrong and you didn't save on a 401K retirement plan, you'd be pretty pissed, too. I am going to grow old. That hurts, I never thought I was gonna get old.
Dueteronomy 18:22 NWT "When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah God did not speak. With presumptiousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him."
What does 1914 mean to you? There was a change in viewpoints wasn't there? Did you know the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society really did say 1975? They did. Look up in a bound volume the 1968 Awake October 8th. I confronted my elder dad about it showing him the article and he eventually, after heavy poking, admitted the Governing Body wrote the article and prophesyed 1975. I can find scanned documents if you don't beleive me.
Did you know the bible says to test your faith? It sure does. It says do not test Jehovah - but it commands you to test your faith and what you are told by man or bodies of men.