HARK! It's the effect Neablis has when he starts poting again, fleas begin to eat at the brains of long standing posters... If you are quiet you cna hear the squishy sound of the wee bugs wiggling inside sixy's head *squish chomp squish*
Posts by MrMoe
My Spidey Sense is Tingling
by SixofNine inis our world famous opera singer back with a new job?
or just her ilk?
six~ got ilk?
aborting all the baby girls
by plmkrzy in60 minutes tonight, special on aborting all the baby girls in india, it has become an epidemic so severe they have placed a ban on tests that predetermine the childs sex.
now women are going underground to find out the sex of the child and abort it if it is a female.
this has caused an imbalance in the population and men are having a difficult time finding wives.
yes, my point.
I swear it is better a fetus is aborted than to life a life of pure HELL. The entire thing is sick, but those embryos are luckier than we realize.
All of this is based upon God. The root to so many things is about God. And once you educate yourself and realize fact from ficiton, your view point on abortion DRASTICALLY changes.
aborting all the baby girls
by plmkrzy in60 minutes tonight, special on aborting all the baby girls in india, it has become an epidemic so severe they have placed a ban on tests that predetermine the childs sex.
now women are going underground to find out the sex of the child and abort it if it is a female.
this has caused an imbalance in the population and men are having a difficult time finding wives.
since you don't know Donkey on a personal level, you would nopt be able to understand where he is comming from.
Companies are about to pour thousands upon thousands of jobs to India. HSBC Bank alone is cutting over 6 THOUSAND jobs here in the US and giving them to India. His point is not lack of empathy for people of the country in the way you are assuming, but empathy for the citizens of the country where he resides. Not everybody is a bleeding heart to issues in the world. The entire thing makes ME SICK, but Donkey is purely a family sort of man, and his concerns are kept to those who are close around him. It doesn't mean he is wrong, it just means he does not share your views, he keeps his concerns close to home. He never said "good" or that he thought any of this was a good idea, but to be frank, I am pro-abortion now that I know God is a farce. I would rather see a fetus be aborted than a woman burned alive or raised in abusive poverty by a tyrant who likes to control and beat "his woman" around.
Popping by to say rare hello to old friends
by Celtic ini cannot for the life of me, remember these days half of you, that, yonks back, i met here within this community.. however, i do hope that many of you have kept up feeling well and still wish for you many continual successes in the future.. if any of you wish to email me at any time, please avail yourselves the opportunity of doing so by inserting in your subject text: exjw.
if you write anything else, all emails from unknown sources are automatically deleted on sight.
still the same old address: m.price@can-online.org.uk.
Yo Celtic!
If any of you wish to email me at any time, please avail yourselves the opportunity of doing so by inserting in your subject text: exjw. If you write anything else, all emails from unknown sources are automatically deleted on sight. Still the same old address: m.price@can-online.org.uk
*spams celtic with emails such as "Hot Action Now" and "Increase your girth and size by a total of 5 inches or more" and last but not least "barnyard action"* -
Help me I'm dying
by Naebliss inok i'm not.. i would just like to change my freaking profile.
i get this.. error.
sorry, an error has occured which has been logged for the attention of the system administrator.. please use the back button on your browser to return to the previous page.. .
apartment life
by MrMoe inthe chick upstairs is loud.
she came home and when she walked by my door she banged on it as loud as she could, waking up me and emma.. it is 1:15 in the morning.
called the cops i am sick of her crap.
Help me I'm dying
by Naebliss inok i'm not.. i would just like to change my freaking profile.
i get this.. error.
sorry, an error has occured which has been logged for the attention of the system administrator.. please use the back button on your browser to return to the previous page.. .
apartment life
by MrMoe inthe chick upstairs is loud.
she came home and when she walked by my door she banged on it as loud as she could, waking up me and emma.. it is 1:15 in the morning.
called the cops i am sick of her crap.
i live in a really nice apartment complex...
good news is there is a new property manager, she said if she continues she will evict her! Since she turned her radio off as soon as the police pulled up, they didn't site her, but the moment they do the porperty manager says she will issue her an eviction... she jsut needs proof. This is a huge relief, the last property manager used to tell me to "deal with it." I shouldn't have to deal with it in "up scale" apartments.
thanks for the thoughts everybody! I think if she doesn't stop, I am gonna have no choice but to look for another place.
apartment life
by MrMoe inthe chick upstairs is loud.
she came home and when she walked by my door she banged on it as loud as she could, waking up me and emma.. it is 1:15 in the morning.
called the cops i am sick of her crap.
the chick upstairs is loud. she came home and when she walked by my door she banged on it as loud as she could, waking up me and emma.
it is 1:15 in the morning
Called the cops I am sick of her crap. She of course turns down her blaring rap music jsut as they pull in. They said they were really sorry but I should look into moving. I can't afford to move. ugh
somebody shoot me I can't take this anymore
Larc is back
by larc infor some reason, my webtv system is working again, and i am back, at least for awhile.
hopefully, it will keep working.
for some time, i could only read the friends area, but could not respond.