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JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Have you seen this book?
by mouthy ini picked it up in a 2nd hand shop .
j.k.van baalen is the author.
"the chaos of cults!!!".
One experience in our old Kingdom Hall that still HAUNTS me
by Newly Enlightened inthe following is a true experience and my daughter gojira101 will verify that it happened to her.
an experience from our family's past that still haunts me and started my questioning whether this is the true organization of god or not.. my daughter, who has always been a good kid, never gave us any problems [she's an adult now] started regular pioneering.
within a few weeks of her starting, she fell on a steep hill and tore open her knee and had to have several stitches.
What an experience for the both of you! Thank you for sharing it. Those marking talks are horrible, calling people out for their own personal sins. I've never heard one given because of a true sin, like child molesting, they keep the serious sins close to the chest and just call people out for minor infractions...hypocrites!
New video: Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower's secret child abuse letter
by cedars inwe have decided to let the world know what happened when our websites were shut down earlier this month by means of this new video.....
huge thanks to nugget for lending us her gorgeous voice, and also to cantleave for his cameo role as the voice of the big bad watchtower!
If Jehovah Can Read Hearts Then WHY
by BlindersOff1 inif jehovah can read hearts then why did he test abraham by ordering him to kill his son ?.
AGuest-Why is killing the son of Pharoah considered righteous because Pharoah was warned? If Pharoah was the problem, why not just kill him, instead of making his son pay for something he didn't do? Visiting the error of the fathers upon the sons, I suppose.
Happy 2013 to all my "chums" on this board! You know who you are :o)
by dreamgolfer inmay you have an even better 2013 than 2012~!.
and remember , i am always here if you need anything...just ask.
Isn't 'chum' the chopped up, bloody stuff they feed to sharks?...Oh, wait WE were fed to the 'Borg' sharks!
Long time listener first time caller
by Defianttruth ini would like to thank everyone who is a part of this community.
i have been abused by this billion dollar evil religion since i was born.
i am now in my late thirties and have been battling depression issues over my former abuses by this nongoverment organization.
Defiant-Wow! I'm glad you are here, we understand your pain. It is astonishing that a little child can make out the lies of the org. better than adults can. Your parents were ripe for the picking by the org., as you indicated. The 'borg' seeks out misfits, as they are prime targets for culthood, seeking acceptance. I hope you are able to find peace of mind regarding your family.
Just a thought, maybe your wife would benefit by reading JWN, she could see the pain inflicted upon others and maybe grasp how you are feeling.
I'm in, and having a hard time biting my tongue sometimes
by noonehome ini spend allot of time with other young witnesses my age, and am very close to a few of these friends.
my question is, is there any way to safely talk about doubts?
for instance, i've been learning allot about evolution and the science behind the flood (or lack thereof).
Howdy and welcome.
Anyone with Happy Memories from being a JW born in, please post here....
by SkyGreen infirst up, happy new year .
hi everyone, ok i guess this is controversial, but im doing it as therapy for me - so im not bitter about the way i was raised.
plus i want to see if i can be the op of an "epic thread"!!.
I loved that we would go camping in at Sequioa or Yosemite Nat'l Parks with another family with a lot of kids, or a whole group of families. We kids would play 'cowboys and Indians', the girls were always the Indians. One of the boys pulled a yucca spear off a plant and slit my throat with it, because I escaped. Yucca Spears are sharp, he really did cut my neck...we all had to make up a story of what we were doing, because we weren't supposed to be playing anything with weapons. We would also go for hikes while at the Parks, and go swimming, listen to ranger programs and watch the rangers trap bears for removal to elsewhere in the park. It was fun.
We also went to the ocean fairly often and swimming with other witnesses. Sometimes we played mini-golf with a group of kids. There was an elderly sister who loved kids and she would sometimes have kiddie parties, complete with Pinata and a hired clown!
On Halloween, we went to Knott's Berry Farm, with a whole group of JW's for the night and rode all the great rides. Knott's started closing, around 1973? on Halloween, so we ended up at some go-cart park instead, it was a let down from Knott's!
My parents then decided we had to go save all the extended family members in Minnesota before 1975, so we moved from lovely, sunny, warm Southern California, to fridged, economically depressed Northern Minnesota, we ended up dirt poor, cold, and out of work, living with my granny. I never really had fun again. The Minnesotans thought of us a weirdos with strange accents, the extended family got sick of my parents preaching and shunned us to shut them up, I ended up with cold induced health problems and became a latchkey child for the first time, as mom had to try to save us from starving.
All the Single Ladies put your hands up!
by mojonogo inhi, i read a lot on here, and i am still active, i get about 3 hrs a month in service so not really that active.
i know there are ones on here shaking their heads at me, i do believe the basic teachings, what brought me to post a thread was a thread that hit home, the topic of dating in the oganization, it brought up a lot of hurt feelings for me.
see, i used to pioneer and i basically burned out, i was working mon wed friday sat and sun 2nd shift so i could go to the meetings on tue and thurs.
I know of a sister who married a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE, who's pedophila was also incestuous, because she was so desperate. The husband was banned by the courts from attending the KH where one of the victims lived, so he drove to another cong. about 15 miles away.
Happy Hogmanay Everybody
by cofty inbest wishes for 2013. .
here is a scene from last year's hogmanay celebrations in edinburgh... .
Gorgeous! Happy Hogmanay to you too!