I homeschooled my kids, not for religious reasons, but because our school district is more concerned about football than education. That being said, I live in a high compliance state that requires portfolios, attendance records, testing by outside sources, and a yearly evaluation. I was putting one of my kids back into school last spring. The school was in the middle of PSSA testing and didn't want to admit my child while testing was going on. They didn't think my kid was going to score very high on the test, she out score virtually the whole school and was asked to partake in testing by Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, reserved for the top 95th percentile performing students worldwide. I put my kids into day camp during the summer so they had lots of contact with kids there age. It can and does work if done right.
JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Home schooled witness kids
by stillin insorry if i'm stepping on any toes here, but i haven't seen anything positive about home-schooling...at all.
the notion is that parents are taking advantage of the formative years to inculcate more worthwhile values while protecting their kids from worldly influences.
they end up with lazy, socially inept, illiterate duds who haven't a clue.
WOW-crazy day at work. Congrats to me???
by TweetieBird insharing my wild day at work today because it is 1am and i can't sleep.. i am an assistant manager at an apartment community.
the manager has been a complete nightmare (bipolar and incompetent) so the last 10 months have been challenging to say the least.
got to work this morning and our regional was already there which was a little strange but half expected due to something that happened last week.
Congratulations on your promotion! Sounds like you were doing most of the work anyway, now you will get the pay too.
For all believers: I have a serious question
by confusedandalone ingod ordered the killing of men women and children and animals and pillaging of various nations around them.
in some instances god apparently led the way with his might arm.. this is not a question of wether it is right or wrong, but moreso a question(s) of:.
1. if you were there would you have personally participated in those killings or would you ignore the commands?.
Probably, if there was a frenzy of killing by everyone else around me. People tend to get caught up in things around them. Look at Nazi Germany, a lot of people there got caught up in the 3rd Reich killing machine. Recently saw an interview with a woman who admitted to being a guard at a female camp, she was very remorseful now and ashamed of her past, her only reasoning was it was what was going on around her.
Been away a long while...
by Aussie Oz init has been 5 months since my last post here.
it has been very nice to have forgotten jehovahs witnesses.
my life got so busy running my biz that i just had no time to concentrate on anything else for a while.
Hi Aussie-It is great to hear that you are moving on in your life, and that you and the kids are adjusting well to being 'out'!
Is the WTS backing away from "Bible Tall Tales" ?
by Simon inwhen i was a kid, it seemed like not a meeting went by when you didn't hear about jonah or sampson and other tall tales from the bible.. now though, they seem to have been sidelined.
i guess the rest of the world caught on to the fact that these stories couldn't possibly be true and were so far fetched (yeah, even by bible standards) that they are just treated as 'stories' like aesop's fables.
saying that you believe in them as genuine accounts just makes you look like a crazy zealot.. but the wts is different.
confusedandalone-hahaha! I never thought about all those foxes just standing there, waiting for their tails to be tied together with a torch between them and for all of them to run the same direction. It made for a wonderful mind picture, thanks! As a kid, I was outraged that he would do something that mean to foxes...didn't think that one through, obviously!
It never made sense to me why Samson kept going back to Delilah after she kept saying 'the Philistines are upon you' and she had done something like braiding his hair. Couldn't he figure out she was on the take from the Philistines?
The fiance brought in witnesses today oh joy. QUESTIONS
by OneStepOut93 inso it's been seven months since i moved out of my parents place and in with my (now) fiance.
they came to our door this morning and it's been a long time since i spoke to my parents.
i was never disfellowshipped because i was never baptized but there is still online limited contact.
OneStep-My advice is this:TRY to get over your parents rejection, your fiance is reacting to your being sad and depressed. Try to make a life without your parents being to very central to your happiness. Try to be happier, fake it even, there have been studies (which I can't remember who conducted them), that show if you fake happiness, very often the rest of your brain follows along. You have everything to look forward to in the future with your fiance, don't let anyone screw that up for you.
what have you learned since leaving ?
by man in black insince leaving the jw religion,what can you say that you have learned about life/people in a positive way that you probably would have never experienced.
if you had remained a witness ?.
my story is regarding this :.
I have learned that people matter. All people, not just JW's at the Hall. I have far more love for man than now than ever before and have been trying to make a difference in peoples lives, doing nice things for them without any premeditated reason...such as being a good little witness. It is much more satisfying to make a real, meaningful difference in their lives than to offer them some obscure hope that never seems to come.
Watchtower and Women's Rights
by jw07 inwe are in the year 2014, women make up the majority of the jw population, yet are not given certain '''''''privileges''''''' simply because they don't have a penis.
no talks, no leadership roles or the hope of them...ever, no matter how educated, zealous, or well spoken you are.. with the world moving towards upholiding women's rights do you see this becoming an issue that the watchtower will have to 'adjust it's thinking' on soon?.
Take a look a Michelle Duggar, she pops out kid after kid, demands that her daughters wear dresses down past their knees and not do things that all kids love to do, like stand on their heads-because their undies will show and it isn't ladylike. The Amish make women wear bonnets, the polygamist Mormons wear dresses that look like they are from 1915, many Mennonite women wear head coverings, strict Jews keep women's skin covered from head to toe, Muslim women often wear bags to conceal their personhood...religion in general is very hard on women.
NSA spying on Vatican! My JW parents are SOO EXCITED!
by BU2B init just came out yesterday that the nsa has spied on the vatican and pope francis.
when i went over my parents house yesterday, you could see the excitement, the energy in their eyes when they talked about it.
my dad even pumped his fist like he won something when he was talking about it.
If one were to really look back at the history of the Catholic Church and the Vatican, they would see that spying and espionage has gone on for centuries, there have always been intrigues in the thrones of power...look at King David and Absalom, there were factions spying on each other in that God ordained government and how many milleniums have passed since then?
Sadly, fading is bad for my marriage
by stillin inwhile headship has always been a problem in my marriage, partly because i'm more of a team player and my wife has man issues, now that i'm clearly fading my wife feels that i have nothing of worth to say.. i resist the idea of divorce but this is not much of a marriage.
since she doesn't/ can't hold down a job alimony would be ridiculously expensive.
cheaper to keep her, as they say.. i get zero cooperation or even discussion for any adjustments i feel might be in order for us as we grow older: obabmacare?
Oddly enough, I was a serial purchaser while 'in'. The continual shopping, online usually, was like a drug. Now that I'm free and faded, I rarely buy anything...got a new career too, once free of the 'why bother to do anything you would like to do, when the end is so close' mentality. Maybe your wife is self medicating by buying, buying, buying, like I was.