JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Why must sisters wear skirts?
by purrpurr inand or dresses?
just what is wrong with a smart pair of trousers?
i'm sure that the women would not start behaving like men or imagining that they have a dick!.
When in Europe in 2001, I encounter 2 sisters street witnessing. One wore dress slacks, the other wore...JEANS! My Euro relative was upset that the one sister was in JEANS. The slacks were absolutely acceptable. Slacks were also worn to the KH, much to my surprise. -
Ex Scientologist Tells Her Story
by Bangalore inwhy i left scientology.
i was a scientologist for eight years.
although i identified as one i didnt really understand what actually being a scientologist fully entailed until after a couple of years of being heavily indoctrinated.
Super creepy read. Especially have your private conversations bugging and talked about openly, moments after you had them.!
If you had any doubts about the pitifully poor mental prowess of Watchtower and JWs in general ...
by Island Man inif you had any doubts about the pitifully poor mental prowess of watchtower and jws in general then i'm sure this week's watchtower study (week of june 15-21, 2015) completely obliterated such doubts.
the study article (watchtower april 15, 2015, page 19: how real is your relationship with jehovah?
) was filled with blatantly fallacious reasoning that were outdone only by the more fallacious reasoning on the part of commenting jws.. the article, in paragraph 2, says this about a relationship with jehovah:.
Your analogy was really good! My hubby insists on thanking Jah for our food. I asked him 'What about all the brothers and sisters who go hungry regularly. Shouldn't they be thanking God for NOT providing them their daily bread?" No response. -
My field service group leader wants to meet me
by Powermetal4ever inhe kind of invited me to a barbecue or something, and asked if my parents wanted to come along as well.
it felt really awkard, i mean i am 20++.
i was sceptic, so he told me he would send me a sms about an other fitting day instead.i probably didnt look too happy about that either, so he told me that maybe he could invite some other in the group.
How about-'Dang! I have another invite that day!' -
After twenty years of marriageā¦
by John Aquila ini just got a call from a friend who informed me that a brother whom i've known for a while and is an elder, just found out last night that his wife of 20+ years declared she was gay, and left him..
i still need to confirm but my friend is very reliable and was close friends with the family.
heres the thing, she spent 20+ years with this man, has children with him and now decides she wants to follow her heart.
At the risk of offending gay people who say they are born that way, not made that way:
I wonder if she was always left alone with the kids while he played super elder, with all the field service, meeting parts, shepherding calls, quick builds, hall cleaning, elder meetings and so on. If so, maybe she found a friend(s) who helped her get through her loneliness and realized she loved that friend who cared more about her than her husband did.
I've said that to JW's, I understand why a woman would leave a man in the organization (or any absentee man) for a woman, the companionship and mutual affection. Needless to say, I would get the evil eye.
When my kid was that age 3 years ago and asked the same question, my answer was "Because they are boring." Kids can definitely relate to that one.
i committed the unforgiveable sin
by 060702015 ineveryday i wake up with knots in my stomach and trouble breathing.
my life continues to go into a downward spiral.
in the past, i had my dependence on god.
06-Hi. You sound like I did when I was your age. I felt that I had committed the unforgivable sin to for thinking really, really bad thoughts.about him. Mentally, I beat myself up for years and years. There was a war going on in my head, the more I didn't want to think the thoughts, the more they came. It was extremely exhausting and the fear of being dead forever was almost more than I could bear.
I too tried to talk to my parents about it, but they couldn't understand the mental torture I was going through.
Finally, I got the mental help I needed. The diagnosis was OCD and Anxiety. Please try to get help. There is something called Religious Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and you could well be suffering from it.
Video based indoctrination for children
by StarTrekAngel inlast night at the meeting we watched the "jehovah will help you be bold" video.
just another piece of propaganda to get children to recruit other children.
i was just reading another thread discussing the other video (where they guilt trip kids to give money) and i recalled a something from the video we watched last night.
Hubby wanted to take the youngest child to see this. His plans were foiled. Thankfully.
Brave high school student exposes abuse and corruption within Jehovahs witnesses
by Watchtower-Free in
Excellent. Courageous girl. The volume is low, but it is worth straining to hear this moving presentation. -
Hello, just introducing myself
by Miss Behaving ini've just signed up two days ago, but i've been lurking for about a year and a half.
here's my story if you're interested:.
my parents converted when they were in their first semester of college.
Miss Behaving-Thank you for your post, it is very sad and at the same time very encouraging. Sad because of losing the life and family you thought were there for you and encouraging because you now know the truth about your family and way of life. Encouraging because you have freedom of thought, and exercised it, even when you knew it could be extremely painful to do so. You are on my hero list this year!