JoinedTopics Started by maisha
What is the real Percentage of visitors to
by maisha init seems the main countries are not visiting the site as they say in their stats.. this is the claims made: reaches 230 nations.
but here are the stats from alexa.. i realise alexa is not 100% accurate, but it is sure different ti jw claims.... country.. % of visitors.. rank in that country.
united states20.9%1,770 brazil8.1%589 mexico6.7%562 japan5.1%1,729 russia3.8%2,434 italy3.5%1,177 united kingdom3.1%1,910 nigeria3.0%351 france2.5%2,657 germany2.4%3, is just a pointer domain to
Appeal dismissed for failure to file opening brief. 03/26/2013 ,,,,,LOL,,,,
by maisha inappeal dismissed for failure to file opening brief.
congratulations candice!!!!.
wp_E_20130101 new light!- the end of the world by firey snakes!
by maisha intake a look behind the pillar bottom right in the blackness demons waiting to get ya!..
then look at the fire coming out of the sky,,,, crop turn it 90deg, and there is satan the firey snake!.
Olympics - To Public to Act? -
by maisha inthe society is afraid to act in regard to williams sisters and others whom are participating in the pagan olympic festival?.
it would bring more bad publicity than good?..
i just see the sisters williams on bbc news saying how the olympic gold medal is her best victory and she has more pride in the olympic medal than all others!!!!!.
Memorial - Why do i keep going?
by maisha inevery year i attend, missing only 5 in 50 years.. i do not attend meetings nor active in anyway, my family shun me,(all devote believers) but i do feel drawn to attend each year.
i am out for sure, but i no longer have faith, or a belief in any religous body as being approved by god.. i am so screwed up now i not sure if i believe in a creator!, let alone who or what that may be.. i was born into the truth, married into the truth and my ex is devote.. i could never return to the cult now seeing it for what it is.. i served, donated, slaved for years happy to do so as has all my family.. i went out of my way to get df, sort of a wanting to die act, of rejecting the society.. i used to sit in a movie in my youth and think, wow i am so lucky, all these people are going to die and i will live forever.. even just typing this gives release to my emotions,, lol,,, yea i have many emotions,,, many regrets, basically the organisation i followed and the instructions destroyed my life in every possible way.. the power plays that i witnessed within are what first woke me up,,,at first i let it go, forgiving those involved as brothers do.
but again and again power and position is and was the thing to have, you got the power you got everything.
Do you want the Real Truth?
by maisha inthe watchtower and other religions are all justplaying with your minds and donations and time.. preparing you for an agenda that only the elete few in positions not known to you actually know about!...
watch this and discover what is really going on if you dare.... but be warned it may change your thinking and take you on a journey of truth seeking..... this 5 hours may change your life!.
<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>.
Changing images
by maisha inawhile ago i was mentioning how many of the images in watchtowers last year were containing addins with skulls, demon like faces and blatant illuminiti imagery.
i recently went into the download sites again to grab some of those images and blow me away they have all been changed, cropped, edited, i can say that because i have some those original digital images from the magazines of last year, however the images currently on download sites are not the same some completely removed.
one such image of jesus coming on an ass has been cropped, removing the name of the hidden name of the artist,,,, and altering a huge demon like face on the window.... has anyone else noticed this?..
EVIL IMAGE WHY? - WT Oct 15th 2011
by maisha inpage 3, watchtower october 15 2011.. 1/ above and behind the head of the africa woman who it seems is preaching, what do you see in the flames?.
2/ on the man walking with his back turned holding the hand of the woman in red,, take a close look at his hair,, tell me what do you see?..
3/ the man hole cover that the woman with the dog is looking at,, what can you draw on that, you tell me what you see!,,.