JoinedTopics Started by Miles3
"Why Love Never Fails"....Giving the talk tonight. Help?
by stillstuckcruz injeez....i if this was about two years ago, i could have put this talk togather lickety split.
but i'm finding it impossible because i can't bring myself to put in phrases such as "god's true people", "love motivates us to....." , etc, etc.
every sentence i add, i just want to throw up because it's all such...pish posh and falsehoods and hypocrisy.
Why are JW's so boring?
by howdidtihappen ini hung out with a group of jw's the other night for the first time outside going to kingdom hall, and the conversation was seriously limited.
do jw's just not want to talk about anything that regular people with a clue about something in the world get together to talk about, or are they really that boring due to the brainwashing?
it was astonishing.
Guys, find A way to give your wives compliments, it helps in the relationship.
by jam inmy wife was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.. she was not happy with what she saw and said to me.. i feel horrible, i look old, fat and ugly.
to pay me a compliment.
i replied, "your eyesight is.
Psuedoscientific Things JWs Say
by LostGeneration ini distinctly remember more than 30 years ago asking my grandfather how all of the races came about after the flood.. "well, noahs three sons were black, white, and oriental, and thats how all of the races came to be".
wtf, i thought to myself, even as a 9 year old kid.
a few years later i remember sitting in the kh listening to the sunday talk when the speaker went over the old "water canopy" theory, but of course presented it as fact.
Imaginary friends
by Aussie Oz inas part of a talk with my daughter last weekend i informed her i had an imaginary friend with me.. his name i said was kevin and he was a little leprechaun.
i asked if she believed he was true and there... i said i see not, therefore i am never going to speak to you again until you come to me and tell me you believe.... she got the point.... oz.
"Freeing" those "trapped" in the Organization.
by curiouscynic ini have family members who are still jws, many of you do as well.
assuming your folks are similar to mine, they are, for the most part, rational.
they are jws because they believe and they have a tremendous amount of scriptural knowledge, albeit of wts origins and with the expected bias.. if i chose to demonstrate, to my father particularly, the inconsistencies in wts ideology... he might just decide to leave.
They are bothering my sister
by truthseeker1969 inmy youngest sister who has never been baptized and never shown an interest in the witnesses since her teen years was recently visited by a couple of elders.. they asked her what she thought about witnesses and how she viewed the congregation.
she basically told me that she told them she could care less what anyone believes or does but she refuses to believe that the gb are spirit directed or inspired and that the material she has been shown by my family is the same stuff since she was a child.
she did tell them that she sees the gb beating people and using lies more and more and referenced me who was df'd in absentia but then had it overturned.. they stayed for an hour and at the end asked her to tell me that i should still limit my contact with my mother since i am not attending meetings etc.. i thought it was strange until she told me the name of the elders, both on my jc and both still it seeems bitter!.
The pedophile database
by JRK ini know that years ago there were 23,700+ pedophiles listed in a database in brooklyn by the society.
it has to be many more by now.. do you think there will ever be a defector in the watchtower it department that will release it to the media?
do you think that someone will hack it and release the information?
What would you say in reply?
by outsmartthesystem ini am in a discussion about jeremiah the 25th chapter.
(and jehovah "calling to account against the king of babylon and against that nation") my argument is very basic.
how did god call to account against the king of babylon (thus supposedly ending the 70 years of desolation) in 537bc.....2 years after babylon fell?.
would there be love without the existence of sex?
by andrespvcl inif real love is something that really should exists in this planet...why a couple have to do it often to not comit adultering?.
feel free to write me and answer this huge question in my life.
only former members.