Topics Started by Mum
Some WTBTS.ORG e-mail addresses and more
by Kent inplease fill in more!.
mark leigh or paul gillies .
public affairs office for jehovah's witnesses .
Years in v. Years Out
by Billygoat ini'd like to find out how many years collectively we have acquired in the wts.
please list how many years you were/have been a jw.
please also list how many years you have been out.
Ex-dubs in Southern Ca.
by jterfehr inany ex dubs in the so cal area?
i am in the desert near palm springs.
just had two families over last night (ex dubs all) and we had a great time.
Meeting's..........the best Medicine!!!
by Latte indo you remember those truly wonderful occasions when the meeting was in full swing, and something/one would make you laugh much so that you had to go out.
(and yes, your were sat on the front row!
you would go out and feel terribly guilty, and when you thought you were under control, you would venture back in only to find that the air was still full of laughter (on your row)..............truly wonderful meetings!!
Women in the "Truth
by hillbilly inhowdy all!.
first, i'd like to thank all of you for providing a diverse and enjoyable forum.
in my opinion, the lack of good "debate" and discussion of veiwpoints are some of the things that made my 'active duty' days less than enjoyable.
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
children of the watchtower
by kdk ini have an 8yr old step-daughter caught up in the madness of the jws through unrelenting fear based brainwashing by her mother.
my husband and i would like to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and is able to help us let her know that there is another more loving way of living in this world.
its frightening to see the damage my husbands ex is doing to this inocent little girls mind.
October 7th Ex-JW gathering in San Francisco
by Stacey ini hadn't seen any recent posts about this event.
tonight i spoke to paul thomason, the organizer of the event.
he said that last year they had about 18 in attendance.
How did you leave the JW's?
by rhett inmy question for everyone is how did you leave the org?
not really what led up to it but what did you do to no longer be a part of it?.
personally, i think i have to have one of the more humerous stories of leaving.