My non-JW brother-in-law has had a brother, two sisters-in-law (his brother's wife and me) and a daughter who have been dubs. Only his brother and sister-in-law are still dubs, his brother being a recent convert whose wife converted in the early '70's.
Recently, my b-i-l's mother died, and hs brother and sister-in-law behaved arrogantly. They would not come inside the funeral home, although they did show up for the funeral. We don't know if it is because my ex-JW niece was there or because a Baptist minister was performing the service. Either way, they stayed outside.
A few weeks ago, some JW's showed up at my sister's and b-i-l's front door. My b-i-l started yelling at them and told them they were a crazy cult and that there was no way he was going to let some old men in Brooklyn run his life. They asked him about his brother. He said that he never sees his brother since his brother became a JW (just a year or two ago, I think, after living with a JW wife for many years).
My sister was not present when all of this occurred, but she found out about it and told it to me the other day.
I was the first to become a JW in our family. I feel almost responsible for some of this nonsense.
When a man won't go to his own mother's funeral after that mother did a lot for him, that's a sure sign that he's in a cult.