You interview them, too. It would be terrible to get into another situation like the one you're in now.
Best wishes; good luck!
as some of you know, i had no job last year, then finally got something in an industry that i know nothing about.
the environment and people haven't been the best, but i had to stick it out and hope that things would improve.
i have kept my eye and ears open for opportunities more in my field of expertise - which is print advertising.. i sent through my cv for a job i saw advertised in the newspaper for an advertising sales rep - applied and now i have an interview to go too tomorrow.. i've learnt not to get my hopes up - i am glad for the interview and i hope it goes well..
You interview them, too. It would be terrible to get into another situation like the one you're in now.
Best wishes; good luck!
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
(from the article, is it wrong to change your religion?
july 2009 awake!, page 28) .
Iit's hard to believe they have the nerve to print things like this! Is it just to make householders who read the mag to think JW's are normal?
for a long time, samantha fountain had one missionfigure out a way to allow women to pee like men.
what she came up with may give you the giggles.
Very Freudian. No more penis envy.
yes, the pentagon did pay for a lecture on this subject.
does darpa take this et stuff seriously?
I don't care about Klingons. I don't know any. If Jesus died for humans, however, I hope he also died for animals. They are more important than we are.
a controversial essay is part of aussie news today.. the essence of it is that the state needs to kill about 20% of the poorest in the community, to fix its financial problems.
it is, of course, claimed to be 'tongue-in-cheek,' but is there a sound basis to the concept?
i sound very right-wing in saying that, but i live opposite a boarding house that is full of people who, i guess, would be prime candidates for the cull.
What a concept to devalue a human being based on how much money he/she has. In the U.S., there is a lot of hatred of the poor. Rush Limbaugh fans this hatred every day on his radio show. I understand that no one ever went broke putting down those without the power to defend themselves.
In a political speech a few years ago, Jesse Jackson pointed out who the working poor were and are: The people who take the early bus to come and clean your house, the people who do the laundry, clean your room and leave a mint on your pillow at the hotels, the people who serve you in restaurants, the people who are caring for your children, caring for your elderly relatives in nursing homes, and performing many other services the rich may think are their birthright.
There was a story on national news a couple of years ago about a town in New Jersey that expelled all of the Mexicans (the "out" group in the U.S. for some time now). After the Mexicans left, there was no one to do the dirty work that still has to be done. So, the town had to humble itself and ask the Mexicans to come back.
We don't need a group of people to look down upon, to feel superior to. What evil thing in human nature makes us do this?
i was wondering lately... what i do not really understand:.
if there was only perfectness and goodness in the beginning of the world, why was there even knowledge about good and evil in the heavens?.
genesis 3:5 says: .
Could there be a concept of "good" without its opposite?
on one hand i'm glad she's ok. rather sickly.
but once she got word i've been inactive, she's all hot and bothered to get me back to meetings.. "did you attend the memorial this year?".
When I was a JW teenager, and a brand new publisher, not even baptized yet, one of the elders (a relative of the JW who converted me) told me that there were people who could never be accepted back into the organization, namely, those who went so far as to speak against it. I think he gave me this warning (although he did not say it in a way that sounded like a warning) because I told him someone was trying to get me to read 30 Years a Watchtower Slave by William Schnell.
Apparently, his warning no longer applies. Was anyone else told this?
bbc panorama has just broadcast an undercover documentary on north korea.
john sweeney - who previously went postal on scientologist tommy davis - joined a group from the london school of economics to secretly film inside the country.. the film showed hospitals with no patients, farms with no fields or animals and factories with modern looking equipment sitting idle.
the electricity works sporadically.
The story of the NK prison escapee was on 60 Minutes, I believe. I believe he was a very lucky man, but he is really messed up in certain ways. He doesn't understand the concept of love. He had the courage to escape because he was told that people on the outside get to choose whatever kind of food they want.
I agree, vg, that, as the Declaration of Independence says, all humans are born with certain inalienable rights. I do not believe, however, that one world government would be a good thing. That's like putting all of your eggs in one basket. If there is corruption in that government (and there always is), then there is nowhere else to turn until we find another planet we can go to to get away.
my computer crashed so i am not fully informed of the recent antiwatchtower organization.
i must vent, however.
perhaps i am the only one on the face of the earth (or the entire universe) but i found cedar's opening announcement insulting.
therevealer: It is my understanding that AAWA has no issue with anyone who wants to be a JW. But they want JW's to have the same rights as everybody else on this planet: family support (i.e., no shunning), life-saving medical treatment when necessary (blood transfusions), education and the same degree of freedom of thought as anyone else.
At least, that's my understanding. Please, someone, correct me if I'm wrong.
hello again folks - as promised in my last thread here, i've been working on turning yearbook statistics into excel spreadsheets.. coincidentally, today is my 25th birthday (spare a thought for a fader).. i've now updated the spreadsheet with yearbook data all the way back to 1988 (the year i was born), therefore it now contains 25 years of statistics.. there were a lot of countries changing around and for some it was possible to create a continuation of data.
some are a simple change of name like south-west africa to namibia.
others, for example - in 1993 with czechoslovakia splitting into two countries (czech republic and slovakia) i have added an extra row that provides a continuation of the data, combining czech republic and slovakia back together as if they were still one country.
Happy Birthday!