That's funny, Lois! I was always afraid to ask questions about things I didn't understand for fear of being laughed at.
Your story reminds me of something that happened in my pre-JW life at my grandpa's church in the woods of Tennessee. Both of my grandfathers were country preachers. I lived with my maternal grandparents and was taken to church often. My sister would come and spend a few weeks with us from time to time. My sister was not ever taken to church except when she was with us.
On one of my sister's visits, when we were both preschoolers (she was 3 and I was 5), my grandmother was preparing us for Sunday School. She told us that if we were called on to say a Bible verse, the shortest and easiest to remember would be "Jesus wept."
So Sunday came and we were taken to church. Our church was a shack in the woods and did not have amenities such as Sunday School rooms. So we split up into groups by age, and each group occupied a pew or two. My sister's group was across the aisle from my group. My grandmother was my Suncay School teacher that day.
Each of the little kids was called upon to recite a Bible verse, as we called them. When my sister's turn came, she, of course, said, "Jesus wept." After she said it, she stood up in the pew and yelled across the room at my grandmother, "Hey, Mamaw, didn't Jesus ever mop!"
The whole church exploded with laughter.