Thanks, Lois. Nathan was on an old forum where I used to post called H2O (Hourglass2 Outpost). His humor has always been the sharpest! Once I did a list of superlative posters, and I gave him the award for Funniest Poster.
Posts by Mum
How to act crazy enough not to have to go in FS or to meetings but not crazy enough to get committed to a mental health facility
by hoser ini was thinking if i acted a little off but not too far off the elders would tell me i'm not welcome in the door to door work.
i wonder if this would work.
there is a watchtower or awake article somewhere saying that a mentally ill person may be excused from the meetings and field service if his illness affected others.
A new lesson from Caleb's mom...
by cedars in...totally freak out and drop something if your child fails to say "please.".
the woman is clearly a nervous wreck, and very easily offended.. if this is her reaction to caleb forgetting his manners, i shudder to think how she will cope if she ever finds him doing drugs.. .
This scenario reminds me of poor Andrea Yates. She had four children for whom she cooked, cleaned did laundry and home schooled. She also had a "Christian" husband to please. She was so afraid that her children would fall into "sin" that she killed them in order to "save" them. Poor kids! Poor Andrea! She has to live with this horrendous act for the rest of her life.
At least Andrea's kids probably got birthday presents and parties, but the poor JW kids don't even get that.
Heartbreaking. Caleb is going to need major therapy.
Are the GB Mental
by moley injust a thought, do the gb actually beleive they are gods chosen reps and truly beleive this crap or are they just in it for the power and the authority.
Obviously, they are bat crap crazy! There's no telling what they really think. I believe that in Orwell's 1984, the members of the Inner Party did know it was all b*llsh*t. GB are Inner Party in the JW universe, so who knows?
How to act crazy enough not to have to go in FS or to meetings but not crazy enough to get committed to a mental health facility
by hoser ini was thinking if i acted a little off but not too far off the elders would tell me i'm not welcome in the door to door work.
i wonder if this would work.
there is a watchtower or awake article somewhere saying that a mentally ill person may be excused from the meetings and field service if his illness affected others.
Wow, hoser! You got some great suggestions here. If you do partake at the Memorial, be sure to do a few jerking motions and utter a few oaths before getting the bread into your mouth. Also spill a bit of the wine on the person next to you (if they're not wearing an Armani suit) or on yourself. Nathan's idea of Tourette's combined with flipper's idea of partaking are things you should do short-term just for fun. Then go out there and have a great life!
One of the hardest things I must do while in...
by OneDayillBeFree inive had many single sisters (even the hot ones that horny brothers like to circle around during intermissions at assemblies/conventions) come to me recently asking if im single, what my spiritual goals are and how high in the ranks i am.
i just tell them that im not interested in relationships at the moment and that my focus is on other things.
they usually get the message and leave me alone.. but i lie.. .
You could just go for coffee or a drink. Be honest about your situation (and, if you are, you can only go out with "worldly" girls) and tell them you are hanging back until you can be mentally free. I think most young women would find that endearing and sweet.
I feel like I'm prejudiced sometimes...
by cognac inand it makes me sick.
i mean, i watch this big, black woman on youtube sing with this incredible voice and all i think is sadness cause i feel like she abuses her kids.
that's so awful.
Thanks for that great song, Hortensia.
Prejudice is a part of human experience. We have all had experiences and indoctrination that makes us prejudiced in one way or another. As a woman and as a physically challenged person, I have experienced prejudice. As a white Appalachian American, I have been taught prejudice. As Dr. Laura would say, "It's just a feeling." As long as you don't act on it, you're fine. Meanwhile, you can try to reprogram yourself.
Our Blondie Has A Torn Memiscus.
by LoisLane looking for Superman inblondie posted her watchtower comments for today and her last paragraph was asking for help, suggestions.
she is in pain from her knee injury, is on steroids and possibly going to have surgery.. she is asking if anyone here, has had the same problem, and if so, what did they do and how was the outcome?.
just lois.
Stay off that leg! Take good care of yourself and get well soon!
JWs still in that believe and are lurking
by cognac injust wanted to say hi.
i understand how you may feel.
i remember lurking here years ago cause i didn't want to tell the elders on myself and have a judicial committee if i could figure a way out of it.
Hi, lurkers. Hope you are learning a lot from this site.
I was "encouraged" to:
Go out in service on my only day off (felt guilty)
Get baptized at 17 (which I did, to my eternal regret)
pioneer (I didn't, but put in more than the 10-hour goal, but wasn't inclined to be a salesperson then or ever; felt like I was woefully inadequate)
lose weight (by my JW elder husband, which I did, but developed "yoyo syndrome" and felt anxious and disapproved of)
not take college courses (which I did, but by that time, I realized I was doing the right thing for myself and my child, and did it and enjoyed it)
The Irish have now become pagan, some Catholic bishops believe.
by Sol Reform inafter clerical sex abuse scandals / 'slave labour' at magdalene laundries (nun-controlled laundries) ?
and they're shocked?.
Pterist, I'm so sorry. I only know what I've seen on American news reports. I didn't consider it a small thing when MaiRead (sp?) Corrigan won the Nobel Peach Prize for her efforts at peace in Ireland. I also saw a report of adults harassing very small children walking to Catholic school. I also read Trinity by Leon Uris some years ago, and was heartbroken at what people, especially Catholics, were suffering.
I don't think of myself as a bigot or as ignorant or entirely uninformed. But, obviously, I have some gaps. Thank you for pointing this out to me. I'll be more careful about speaking in generalities, a practice which I abhor.
Best wishes,