Do JW's wash dishes, clean their homes, play tennis, play Monopoly, shop for groceries, visit family, read, watch television, go to movies, or anything normal people do? This schedule is pretty tight and doesn't allow for much. Why not just make robots to do all of that "theocratic" activity, and allow the humans to live their lives?
Posts by Mum
This Month's KM: Family Calendar?
by RichieRich inas many of you might have noticed, the may 2005 km has a group of 4 or 5 articles about scheduling family activities.
it includes a blank week long calendar and little slips that you can cut out and paste onto the calendar.
i think this is another crazy, last ditch effort to try and grab the remaining witnesses into the protective brood of the gb.
Political correctness. What is it to you?
by Hortenzie ini see it as a form of discrimination against non mainstream ideas and opinions.
that's why i don't understand why so many hold it as of a great value.
what do you think?.
I am now an Appalachian American. I used to be a hillbilly.
I am also physically challenged. I used to be crippled.
They're just words. I come from a background of mental illness low-level education and ignorance. I cut people some slack if they use a non-PC term. They just remind me of my family.
Have you ever had a hallucination? What was it like?
by Nathan Natas ini have almost never had a visual hallucination and i was wondering what they're like.
how "real" do they seem?
is there any kind of a hint you get that tells you they are not real?
To me, saying that you believe most hallucinations are drug-induced is similar to saying you believe obesity is a result of consuming too many calories. Where is the "judgment" in that? It squares with the facts in most cases.
Planning the xmas party-suggestions needed
by TweetieBird ini am in charge of planning the resident xmas party (300 apartments that i manage) and about 100 to 150 residents will be there.. i already have a musician lined up but need ideas for food, theme, etc.
$400 budget for food, etc.
any ideas?
If I were planning the party, I would have a container there and ask each attendee to put one dollar in it for charity. After the party, collect all of the money and take it to a local charity which provides holiday meals for the homeless and/or working poor. Christmas is about giving.
A raw vegetable tray would be a great menu item, especially for dieters. They can fill up on raw veggies and be less tempted by the stuffing and dessert.
Do you have a punch bowl? Fruit punch (there are many good recipes online and in cookbooks) is festive, and folks love it.
What was your "Aha!" moment?
by Hortenzie infor me it was when i learned that gb makes their decisions by 2/3 majority vote, not by direction of holy spirit..
For me, it was when I agreed to go to a JC meeting. The way I was treated, the way they twisted things to make be look bad when I had done nothing except get away made me angry. I did not express my rage, and played it cool. Somehow they got the impression that I wanted to come back. Maybe it was because I didn't yell or show my rage.
I realized how lucky I was to live in a time and place where it was illegal to burn me at the stake because I got the impression that they would have loved to do just that!
I left that meeting a free woman! Immediately afterward, I went and found a friend (another ex-JW) to celebrate! This was in 1979.
Elders receive a report that I am openly displaying false religious symbol
by confusedandalone inwhen you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
All JW's should be instructed just to wear one color. Brown would be best to represent the shit they spew. Brown shirt, brown slacks, brown socks, brown shoes - not offensive to anyone and not on any flag or national symbol that I've seen. Chinese citizens wore gray uniforms. Repressive groups get into minutiae in a big way.
If you want to be a rebel, wear brown Spandex!
JW Apolgist rant here...and confession.
by Julia Orwell ini really don't like people disparaging active jws on this site by calling them stupid, idiots, morons and that, and making out like they're willing puppets to the gb or cruel at heart.
or describing them like they're puke or as having no desire to learn or listen.. to you, all these things may be true.
we all have opinions and are entitled to them.
Right on, Julia!
VeganLion: Welcome to the forum! Let us hear more from you.
You have no reason to feel anything but just fine. Remember how Bill Clinton didn't let them ruffle his feathers over Monica Lewinsky? You can cultivate that same attitude. Wayne Dyer would say you made yourself feel "like trash, worthless" because of what you told yourself about the people present at that moment.
Do not judge yourself based on what others think, do, or manifest. Believe in yourself, no matter what others tell you or try to make you believe. They're the jerks, not you.
Chin up! Carry on!
The end came in 1975, so I was certain that's when the preaching work stopped, too. What! Are we still in the old system/order? Oh, no!
Unflipping believeable
by KariOtt ini just found out my sister in law gives each pioneer $50.00 every month to help cover their gas.
she wont take a .99 cent chapstick from me and when ever i attempt to do something for her she pitches a fit.
and my hubby still has the nerve to say that those who do not believe in their so called truth are not treated any differently than those who do believe.
So misguided. What a pity!