Are you talking about just one time, this year, or about an annual observance? What would we do?
Posts by Mum
I hope this is the right place for this...
by moSIS inplease don't attack me if this is the wrong place!
i know that i definitely shouldn't be on this website, but i am to embarassed to ask anyone at my hall!
everyone would be so nice, but i just feel like i should know the answers already.
My daughter just reminded me of something: My granddaughter was not brought up as a JW. However, once when she visited her still-a-JW grandpa (my first husband), he took her to the book study. She was about 7 years old at the time. Afterwards, my daughter asked her what she thought of it. Her simple reply was, "They're insane!"
Out of the mouths of babes! Of course, she was not love bombed or otherwise manipulated as a potential convert might be. She was just there as the grandchild of one of their own.
Are you complicit if you stay in?
by mrhhome ini am going to throw down the gaunlet.
those who know the truth but stay in anyways are complicit in actions of the jehovah witness organization.
while i am sympathetic to the very difficult choices that they have to make, their unwillingness to confront the jw enables the organization.. some of you may remember my story.
Being a JW is comparable to being in prison. Are you complicit if you don't try to escape? It's not an easy situation. It took me years to finally face facts and get out. Be patient with those folks on the inside. You don't know what they're going through.
Ostracism more damaging than bullying
by jgnat innew study out of the university of bc:.
we tend to underestimate the damage that social ostracism does.
Ostracism is pure evil. I recently saw a documentary about how prisoners act out when placed in solitary confinement. No one in their right mind can believe that ostracism "helps" anybody.
In the past, I had a job in the personnel area of a local government agency. An employee in the Parks Department ran afoul of the department head. Said department head instructed all other department employees not to speak to this person. I was transcribing a tape about the hearing, and I started crying. It is so hurtful to hear of anyone being treated in such a manner. Fortunately, I had a private office.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
I hope this is the right place for this...
by moSIS inplease don't attack me if this is the wrong place!
i know that i definitely shouldn't be on this website, but i am to embarassed to ask anyone at my hall!
everyone would be so nice, but i just feel like i should know the answers already.
You sound very obedient. I don't know how old you are, but you need to learn that you should have been taught to think things through and make good decisions and choices. Obedience is for infants who might harm themselves if they do something dangerous that is beyond the realm of their experience and understanding. As an adult, you need to know what is appropriate and in your best interest. If you want to be a compliant, obedient JW, you should read the material in advance and highlight some of the stupidity they have written in the publication-for-drones.
If you want to be an adult, you should think about whether going to this meeting is what you want and what is appropriate for you. You also need to read some other material about the topic that was not written by JW's in order to get a more balanced view.
Best wishes for a happy life ahead. Welcome to the forum!
My sister is getting df'd.....
by Blttex injust found out that my little sister is getting df'd next week.
her husband left her about a year ago got df'd and recently got a girl pregnant.
my sister has had a hard time with the whole situation as you can imagine.
Congratulate her for me! Way to go, Sis!
Survey---who is inactive, disfellowshipped/disassociated or active?
by minimus ini am inactive for about 10 years now..
I moved to the other end of the country in 1979. Harassment has been minimal and far, far in the past. My daughter chose not to be a JW(!), but her dad still is.
Not checking things out is a sign of IMMATURITY. What a bunch of manipulative,
Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Say...
by NewYork44M ina new set of income statistics answers those questions quite clearly: yes, college is worth it, and its not even close.
for all the struggles that many young college graduates face, a four-year degree has probably never been more valuable.. here is the article from the new york times:.
Education is not entirely about making money. It should impart the ability to be more sensitive and understanding of one's fellow humans. It also should enhance one's appreciation of the finer things of life. As an Appalachian American, I had a wonderful childhood in the wilds of rural America. I realize now that I would have loved to learn about great art, great music and great literature! We had the Bible and a radio, which was wonderful, but there's more to life!
Personally, I think a skilled trade is fine for earning a living, but there's also more to life than working to survive.
troubled mind: ditto to what jgnat said. I'm so excited for her!
Has your trust in charity been shaken lately?
by suavojr inexcerpt from the wt article,
jehovahs witnesses today are also quick to help when disaster strikes.
during the summer of 2001, for instance, torrential storms caused major flooding in houston, texas, u.s.a. in all, 723 homes of witnesses were damaged to some extent, many of them quite badly.
I used to donate to the Boys' and Girls' Clubs in Reno when I lived there because they gave my granddaughter and other children free child care while their parents attended college classes. They actually had a facility right on campus.
I don't like the Red Cross because I have seen them hound people to repay them for their "charity."
I don't mind giving to Shriners' Hospitals for Children because they gave me hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of free medical treatment in my childhood.
I would check out any charity before handing over my hard-earned cash.
Right now, most of my charitable giving is to UNICEF. I give them $15 a month to feed hungry children. If I have some good fortune, I clean out my pantry and donate food to the Salvation Army.
In general, I think giving locally is probably a safer bet than giving cash to some "charity" that is not where you live.