Most of the time, I am at home. I wear jeans and a t-shirt most of the time, with no make-up. When I go to a job interview or a class, I wear nice suits (all of which I found at thrift stores for a song - including one Talbots). I buy expensive make-up (Clinique). I have a very inexpensive hair cutter/beautician. I don't get my nails done professionally. I don't use a lot of stuff, but what I do use is the best.
Posts by Mum
How much time/ money do you spend to look nice?
by new hope and happiness inhaircut, cosmetics, perfume/ aftershave, clothes, botox, surgery, tan, cutting nails, feeding the body, showering.
is there no end to the needs of the living corpse?.
Books that changed your life-
by new hope and happiness ini am not much of a reader as i have two many distractions, but i fancy a challenging read, so please list any book that has changed your entire world view on everything.
i remember as a teenager buying at a yard sale, norman vincent peales " the power of positive thinking" and at the time that had a big impact on me.
but i am a little bit more in to " realistic positive thinking" now..
Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne Dyer helped me to muster the courage to start life over and remove myself from a toxic cult and a toxic marriage.
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is about a Russian gulag prisoner who realizes he is living a lie.
Vanity Fair is a classic about a governess who schemes her way into money and adventure. It's also hilarious in its observations on the human condition and the way operators operate!
There are many more, but these are a good start.
Your final WTF? Moment!
by restrangled init was a long time coming for me.....when i read about the extened generations, after being raised on1914 being the be all end all, and millions would never die....that was the end.
i was part of the 1975 fiasco, the 6 month only truth book studies, suffered through a disifellowshipping and their version of a rewind.
i finally am free and hope others can eventually look in instead of inside looking out!
It was the way I was treated at a JC meeting. I have posted this before as well, but probably nobody remembers. They were not at all interested in my "spiritual" well-being or my mental state (worn out, needed a change), or anything that matters. I felt that they would have taken me outside and tied me to a tree and set me alight if it were not illegal!
Being married to an elder, becoming a JW insider, and watching all the pettiness, the arrogance, and lack of perspective of the elders was also a great disappointment. Fuck it! Drive on! (FIDO)
The Botchtower's attitude towards using the Internet
by Composer2005 inhas the botchtower discouraged or spoken against members using the internet?.
satan / devils environment & all that j.w bs!.
Fundamentalist groups in general are suspicious of new technology. My grandfather was a country preacher back in the day. He and his fundie buddies were against radio, against TV, not to mention jewelry, sports, movies and a plethora of other things that cost money. Gradually, they came to accept all of those things. Now when I see televangelists and their minions on TV, I can't recognize that they adhere to a similar belief system.
Like most issues, the WT has flip-flopped on this one. The internet used to be Saan's tool. I was warned by my mom that there could be "anybody on that internet," that you couldn't know who you were really talking to. (In real life, apparently, everyone I spoke to had been throroughly checked out and approved by somebody for appropriate social interaction).
Now that the WT has made the internet their own, I assume all danger one might encounter has been removed. More realistically, the WTS might hire somebody to come up with some sort of filter to block any information they don't want their drones to have access to. They're probably planning it as I write.
Information is their enemy. It's out there now, whether they like it or not, and they haven't been able to hide it. So they're building a compound of "safety" because everybody might come to know that they protect pedophiles and make up "doctrine" on the fly.
I hope I'm not stumbling you, she said as we sipped drinks at the track...I
by MissFit ini have a sweet jw friend.
she is elderly and had heart problems and is hard of hearing.. she is a tiny thing and very loving.
she is a convert and had been "in" for around 20 years.. she came "in "after her divorce.. we started hanging out together a couple years ago when i called her for a ride to the meetings.. .
Both of you are lucky to have each other. Bless you for bringing some happiness into her "golden years." Our primary "duty" is to enjoy life to the extent possible while we're still here. Keep up the good fun!
"Aren't you going the wrong way at this stage of your life?"
by donny inthat was a question posed to me by a friend who just recently discovered my switch from one who used to have a belief in god to one that has a lack thereof.. they stated "most people i know, including your truly, were not much interested in closely following the tenants of the faith we were brought up in when we were in the prime of our young adulthood.
you on the other hand, were much more zealous back then and now have pretty much left it all behind.
surely it is not because you are not sowing your oats at this time.".
We all would like to have a Big Daddy who can take away our pain and make us feel good about ourselves in the midst of whatever life throws at us. I think fear, for many people, is at the root of needing God -- for protection, for solace, for hope. Others build social networks around church and commonality of worship.
Once I was listening to "Science Friday" on the radio. A rabbi was being interviewed. She stated that in Judaism it was acceptable to believe in God, not as a being, but as Being itself. So, in that sense, there is a God, but not a Sky Daddy.
Return to the Kingdom Hall!
by One Last Kiss ini recently did just that and had an unexpectedly uplifting experience.
whilst on vacay i was informed by my jw friend (only dimly aware of my faded status) that wed be visiting the local kh .
so there i was, far from home, not been to a kh in over a year and heading to the sunday meeting.
Being away for a while and going back certainly gives some perspective! I can't recall the last time I was at a KH. I do remember seeing a JW woman abusing her child for being childish. And I recall a speaker on the platform criticizing the appearance of an inactive "brother" he had run into. The negativity is soul-numbing.
August vacations cancelled
by wandasoo inhad a vacation planned for august, but got the rug pulled out from under my feet.
hubby said he wanted to go in september, but gave me no reason.
i finally told him i knew he had to pioneer in august.
Take a vacation on your own! Lots of married women I know do that. Do you have some "worldly" friends who would like to get away and enjoy some relaxation? Call them!
is going to a strip club a disfellowshipping offense?
by monis1 ini'm pretty sure it is, just wanted to confirm.
this would be someone who went once and only looked....
A female JW probably would be dealt with more harshly than a male JW. I had a co-worker who loved Thunder from Down Under, so a bunch of us would go with her to see it once a year because she was dying of cancer. Oh, that and the gorgeous male dancers!
Does The Governing Body Have A Plan B For When The End Never Comes?
by frankiespeakin inwhat say all you thinkers out there?.
"Jehovah told us that, because of your wickedness, he is extending the last days for another overlapping generation. Suck it up!"