Somehow, I don't see how the "internet org" is going to work in their favor. How are they going to market a "religion" that turns people into automatons and sucks all the joy out of their lives? Their success in the past has been mostly because of one-to-one contact, IMHO. I remember my 9-year-old hillbilly self being quite impressed with the JW family (my dad's boss's family) who came and studied with us.
Avon Cosmetics used to be (and still may be) the #1 cosmetics company for the same reason.
I can certainly see people being turned off if they have those Sparlock videos or horrific coloring book for kids. Would you want to bring your kids into that kind of mentality?
In one sense, this internet business is just another flip-flop. Just a short time ago, the internet was considered all that is evil and a serious danger, as dangerous to JW's as to North Koreans. Now it's their shiny new vehicle.