toweragent, I like this quotation from Dr. Laura: I don't live in the land of "what if;" I live in the land of what IS! So, whether or not there is a God or gods, it makes little difference to us. When was the last time you saw God rescue someone who was being harmed? I understand that it is allegedly beneficial for children to believe in God. Adults, however, have to think for themselves.
What matters to me and everyone else (I consider myself an agnostic individualist) is what we want out of life, the life that we have, right here, right now. As Christopher Morley said, There is only one success - to live your life the way you choose to live it. All of us on this board are trying to do that. We all have limitations in terms of finances and family matters, but we all can improve our lives in various ways.
So, no, I don't waste my time on "what ifs" about divinity. Very little that happens is under our control. If there is an afterlife, so be it, but if there is, that doesn't mean God made it that way. Rather, it's part of the cycle of life.
I started living again at age 32. It was a struggle at first, and the road was not always smooth. But it has been worth every bit of it.